vrijdag 24 september 2010
Listening ears and hospital trouble
Today i found savannah on my daily walk, upon greeting we made some small talk . We talked about how each our respective groups were doing and what rumors we heard about future evil in the city as the subject of teaching others to walk the dark path came up as a conversation point . Savannah asked if i would help incase she ever needed evil to be done beyond her own capabilities and if i would not tell anyone then . I smiled and told her my clients were kept secret and that even eavesdropping ears were dealt with. While i was talking i let two of my tentacles burrow into the ground and come up a few metres further behind someone who had been eavesdropping indeed, Dr invanov from the rightious, silently they slithered closer and poked her ankles which made her legs under the knee paralysed. With a yelp she fell to the floor and savannah turned to the sound while asking if i had been taking care of listening ears, we both walked to Dr ivanov and i asked savannah how she dealt with those who eavesdropped. As savannah spoke of various ways to do so which included cutting of tongue and wiping mind had Dr ivanov found time to get out her phone and shout for help, clearly in fear of what we might do . Savannah sighed and asked if could take care of it on my own because she had only recent got on good terms with denny the rightious leader and didnt want to mess that up so soon again, i nodded and opened a portal pushing Dr ivanov in. The portal opened on the other side on several metres high making the little rightious fall on her face as her legs were out still, i landed next to her and tied her hands up with some tentacles aswell as making a big tentacle move behind her to make her sit on. Dr ivanov shivered in fear and started crying while i picked up a tear from her cheek and licked my finger clean which didnt calm her at all . She kept saying that she had not been eavesdropping but that she had lost a contact lens, a second righteous closed in to me from behind . I leaned in to Dr ivanov and smiled while i said that she had been listening in and i would deal with that while two long tentacles sprouted from my back lightning fast and wrapped around the arms of the second righteous, holding him up like jesus on his cross. I moved my tentacles to place the two righteous next to eachother, the second right was Ignis which checked on the little doc to see if she was ok and again i decided to move before any more disturbances would appear . I walked to the vet office and walked up the stairs to the empty first floor, taking a seat while holding the two righteous in the air before me and telling Ignis what i accused Dr ivanov for. Sitting with my back to the stairs i didnt notice yet another person comming in who had ran again to warn the righteous before i could react, sighing i called forth a shadow to deal with the little righteous before the whole group would arrive . The shadow circled around Dr ivanov her head before seeping into it, i told her that nothing would happen as long as she kept her mouth but if she said anything she heard she would go through pain beyond her worst nightmares . Ignis had grown tired of being tied up and had brought out his sword to cut a tentacle to get free....his aim was terrible ...he cut the tentacle off and his own arm with it . Bleeding severely he sat on the floor and i let Dr ivanov go from my tentacles so she could deal with it because i was not gone do a thing . More righteous appeared and i called forth a shadow veil to cover myself from their sight to be amused with how they would deal with Ignis and his action of bleeding up the floor. The righteous stormed in and were shouting to find out who had done such thing to ignis, i couldnt hold a chuckle as Dr ivanov told them it was his own doing. As the righteous came to realise the situation again did they lift up Dr ivanov, ignis himself decided to walk himself to the hospital,bleeding all over the place still . I followed the rights to the hospital and watched as they started surgery on ignis, aswell as torment them to let a demon voice ask if the pain had to cease and that they should go to the darkside to get ignis healed which amused me to no extent . Distraction came as i heard someone in pain, i let the righteous be for what they were and took a look which made me discover Felice who seemed in pain . A righteous came look to what was going on while i offered a deal to felice, she only had to wish the pain away which she did . The righteous took felice to the coven still while glaring at me for what i had done, as like glaring would undo a wish . She wished and i granted , that was all..............i think i present her the cost for it soon...soon.
woensdag 22 september 2010
The darkness of things
I decided today to visit the righteous, amethys still owed me for the cock i summoned, ah how fun that was..
I switched forms to add some dramatic effect and knocked at the church door untill two rights appeared and asked what i wanted. Gazing upon them i spoke with raspy voice , asking if ame was arround and confusing them saying i gave her a cock, hehe. As i spoke that she made a wish and that i had came to ' claim what was owed', i saw them shiver which amused me greatly. They said they would pass the message and i wandered off, most likely they would run to their leader to report,i let them.
Later the day i encountered Kaira and Pestilence, kaira was still working on her stone blade and i decided to help out a bit. She revealled the dagger and i summoned a mindscape or landscape in a mind , i chose pesti her mind as i was currious what horrors roamed there and which we could add to the blade. She proved rewarding..
Pestilence Magic looks towards drake and smiles wickedly her eyes would flicker different shades of color as she started to breath a little rapidly "mmm yesss perhaps the feeling of being pulled down into an abyss if emptiess...no light..no air..nothing just the sinking feeling of nothing below or around you as you gasp for air clutching for something only to come up with darkness...the shadows.....nothing is there as you start to lose consciousness your mind reeling with thoughts of despair as you frantically try and breath in but your lungs are filled with not air...not life..but death and nothingness..." licking over her lips as she gazes off into the knife she would almot see someone having these emotions it seemed so real she giggles mischieviously as she looks between drake and kaira
After i brought kaira back to her senses she made the horrors enter the blade and i had smiled calm..for a moment , it was my turn now.
I opened a mindscape to the crystal room, giving pesti and kaira some time to prepare before i sat against a wall, telling them what frightend me most..falling asleep.
Drake Subagja opened his hand and this time something was different, the walls of the pit crumbled and faded ,suddenly tall crystal like walls raise from the floor and formed a large room around them , a single window in the left corner was all that let in some light, it looked like a living room of sorts,not really something to would cause fear and demise , drake leaned against a wall" many answers could be given, also am i not like most "drake seemed not at ease in the room" it begins "drake slides down the wall and holds his hands to his ears as it seems he starts to fall asleep" the worst thing that can happen...is that i fall asleep"
Drake Subagja falls to his side with his hands still at his ears as his eyes close...and the screaming begins,, the room shakes and trembles as the walls crack and fall apart, revealing hundreds of thousands of beings, perhaps even millions, various forms of wounds and decay riddle their bodies and they all scream continiously, tearing and tugging at the walls as they close in , like a wall of screaming darkness, they were all the beings which dead was caused by drake his hand or commands, this was what happend as drake falls asleep, the voices and images of all his victims came to him, the restless spirits of millions who were slaughtered, the horror of helplessness, unable to defend yourself or close your ears and eyes, their hands reaching out and their screams unending, drake lay sleeping to the wall, his face in a deathgaze with closed eyes and hands to his ears in pain, his eyes twitching behind the closed eyes
I was asleep in the mindscape but awake in essence, knowing all to well this was why i had not slept in 2000 years, i forced myself in the mindscape to scream as hard as i could and shout to kaira she had to add them to the blade. Kaira looked like she had lost her mind, scratching herself and leaving long marks on her body , small rivers of blood seeping out, staining her clothes . As i shouted she came to her senses again and she had thrown the dagger to me. Getting hold of the dagger i had tried to calm down and work out a plan...some plan it was, stabbing myself to activate the dagger and open it to absorb the horrors, as i fell to the floor i saw a vortex opening and drawing in the horrors. The last one got hold of me and tried to take me with her down, determined to get her revenge, she appeared as just a little girl...except a hole where her left eye would have been . Both kaira and pestilence jumped to the girl, giving me the chance to stab her and push her to the vortex to join the rest before i fell back, bleeding severe. Pestilence healed me and i closed the mindscape, i needed the rest and let them take care of the rest....a day well spent.
I switched forms to add some dramatic effect and knocked at the church door untill two rights appeared and asked what i wanted. Gazing upon them i spoke with raspy voice , asking if ame was arround and confusing them saying i gave her a cock, hehe. As i spoke that she made a wish and that i had came to ' claim what was owed', i saw them shiver which amused me greatly. They said they would pass the message and i wandered off, most likely they would run to their leader to report,i let them.
Later the day i encountered Kaira and Pestilence, kaira was still working on her stone blade and i decided to help out a bit. She revealled the dagger and i summoned a mindscape or landscape in a mind , i chose pesti her mind as i was currious what horrors roamed there and which we could add to the blade. She proved rewarding..
Pestilence Magic looks towards drake and smiles wickedly her eyes would flicker different shades of color as she started to breath a little rapidly "mmm yesss perhaps the feeling of being pulled down into an abyss if emptiess...no light..no air..nothing just the sinking feeling of nothing below or around you as you gasp for air clutching for something only to come up with darkness...the shadows.....nothing is there as you start to lose consciousness your mind reeling with thoughts of despair as you frantically try and breath in but your lungs are filled with not air...not life..but death and nothingness..." licking over her lips as she gazes off into the knife she would almot see someone having these emotions it seemed so real she giggles mischieviously as she looks between drake and kaira
After i brought kaira back to her senses she made the horrors enter the blade and i had smiled calm..for a moment , it was my turn now.
I opened a mindscape to the crystal room, giving pesti and kaira some time to prepare before i sat against a wall, telling them what frightend me most..falling asleep.
Drake Subagja opened his hand and this time something was different, the walls of the pit crumbled and faded ,suddenly tall crystal like walls raise from the floor and formed a large room around them , a single window in the left corner was all that let in some light, it looked like a living room of sorts,not really something to would cause fear and demise , drake leaned against a wall" many answers could be given, also am i not like most "drake seemed not at ease in the room" it begins "drake slides down the wall and holds his hands to his ears as it seems he starts to fall asleep" the worst thing that can happen...is that i fall asleep"
Drake Subagja falls to his side with his hands still at his ears as his eyes close...and the screaming begins,, the room shakes and trembles as the walls crack and fall apart, revealing hundreds of thousands of beings, perhaps even millions, various forms of wounds and decay riddle their bodies and they all scream continiously, tearing and tugging at the walls as they close in , like a wall of screaming darkness, they were all the beings which dead was caused by drake his hand or commands, this was what happend as drake falls asleep, the voices and images of all his victims came to him, the restless spirits of millions who were slaughtered, the horror of helplessness, unable to defend yourself or close your ears and eyes, their hands reaching out and their screams unending, drake lay sleeping to the wall, his face in a deathgaze with closed eyes and hands to his ears in pain, his eyes twitching behind the closed eyes
I was asleep in the mindscape but awake in essence, knowing all to well this was why i had not slept in 2000 years, i forced myself in the mindscape to scream as hard as i could and shout to kaira she had to add them to the blade. Kaira looked like she had lost her mind, scratching herself and leaving long marks on her body , small rivers of blood seeping out, staining her clothes . As i shouted she came to her senses again and she had thrown the dagger to me. Getting hold of the dagger i had tried to calm down and work out a plan...some plan it was, stabbing myself to activate the dagger and open it to absorb the horrors, as i fell to the floor i saw a vortex opening and drawing in the horrors. The last one got hold of me and tried to take me with her down, determined to get her revenge, she appeared as just a little girl...except a hole where her left eye would have been . Both kaira and pestilence jumped to the girl, giving me the chance to stab her and push her to the vortex to join the rest before i fell back, bleeding severe. Pestilence healed me and i closed the mindscape, i needed the rest and let them take care of the rest....a day well spent.
dinsdag 21 september 2010
dreams of the dreamer
today i just layed back and gazed at the endless night, closing my eyes and dream
I dream that nothing ever changes
that things stay the same.
I dream that people fear and respect
that they know my name.
I dream of fear and demise
bring chaos to a mind.
I dream of misery and enthropy
that i will not longer be kind.
I dream ..i dont dream for ages anymore, no longer do i wish for such things, just a empty place, to gaze at the stars and moon, the cloudless night and just let it all slip off me....i dream that one day...i dream again once more.
I dream that nothing ever changes
that things stay the same.
I dream that people fear and respect
that they know my name.
I dream of fear and demise
bring chaos to a mind.
I dream of misery and enthropy
that i will not longer be kind.
I dream ..i dont dream for ages anymore, no longer do i wish for such things, just a empty place, to gaze at the stars and moon, the cloudless night and just let it all slip off me....i dream that one day...i dream again once more.
woensdag 15 september 2010
Sweeping the past
Today i woke up to a unusual sight...brooms. Several brooms sweeping the pit ,kicking up dust , pestilence standing in the pit not knowing what to do. My calm had been tainted before as i mistook a bottle when reaching for a drink, causing me to not bother checking the brooms and just unleash a energy ball which cut up a broom to shreds. Doing this proved worthless as one became two, adding more brooms and ruining what was left of my mood still, calling forth a stronger force,trying to take the brooms out all at once
( a small gem is imbedded in the page, upon touching you see images appearing)
Drake Subagja gazes up calm, his eyes dark and dead, taking notice of his surroundings, seeing pestilence and then broom's, energy crackles over his hand as he speaks slow with a empty voice"what are those"
Pestilence Magic looks to the broom and blinks growling at it and looking around at the others as they continue to sweep "Ohh emm gehh " hisses at it and looks back hearing Drake "Don't even know what it going on but..we are being..cleaned" shakes her head and looks back at the broom
the main one stopped sweeping regarding drake it would seem, it hopped a few points and then continued to sweep the dust being kicked up growing now, the other two merely swayed from side to side ...
Pestilence Magic looks back at drake not sure what to do but feels a bit nervous as the brooms continue to sweet she would hiss at the broom and almost want to pounce again but fear of more coming from it she stands abck a little and goes to crouch down a little if it made a move for her she would pounce it ...
Drake Subagja his hand became blurred as the energy started to circle aroiund them, from a crackling it became a high toned buzz increasing in height until the sound became to high to be heard" i disaprove of anyone doing anything in here if not gone past me first" drake raised his hand towards one of the brooms and unleashes a energy ball, intending to devour whatever it came across, cut it up, destroy it, suck its essence and energy...seeming drake his calm was not the normal calm
The broom is indeed enveloped by drakes energy, it vanishes with a pop, there is a shudder of reality as it reappears, with it another friend appears all the brooms rotate ominously towards drake shuffle forward and then start to sweep again
Pestilence Magic looks to the brooms and grumbles as she again makes a sweeping motion as it to make them go out "ok enough..you have cleaned enough really...thank you..." she would hiss and go a little closer to it as she tried to make it stop and leave "really thank you ..now go or we start burning your bristles" grumbles as she looks to it
ALL the brooms stop and rotate to pesti .... each one sprouts a pair of arms and hop around a few more times ... then in a wave they bow one ... by .... one .. after the bow of each is complete they all vanish bar one .. it rotates around and EEPS and scuttles to the door.....
Drake Subagja walks closer to pestilence" dont move away from me" drake stood back to back with her as he raises his both arms, a soft thud as something broke through and dark shadows moved up from around drake , drake his eyes shimmered dark as the shadow envelop both him and pestilence" why is there always something what challenges my authority, why cant it never go right "drake his eyes narrowed and a dark whirlwind would try to absorb any energy in the pit,
the final broom scuttles for all its worth he desperartly scrambles towards the door as the whirlwind strikes it ... it staggers and in a very oscar winning scene it would clutch its little wooden shaft of a chest one litte woodeen arm would touch its tip (its head) and it would roll from side to side which if it were a human would be a heart rending scene ... it falls its little arms trying desperatly to geto the door .. so close ... so close and then it turns to grey... falling silent .... as a soft haunting music would play as it turned to ash.....
Pestilence Magic stands close to drake and nods "mmk will do" watches him as the energies swirl around the room as she keeps a close eye on the broom seeing if they will leave or stay
( the gem stopped showing images)
As the brooms all died i asked pestilence to gather their remains so we could find out who send them, possibly getting some revenge. When pestilence had gathered the ash in a bottle she gave it to me, i reached out to the bottle and for her aswell. It had been one of my selfconcious days, realising how it all went so far and being sad for it. Holding pestilence i thought back of the one i loved once, and lost all the same due to my own actions . Pestilence smiled caring as she said she would not ever leave, causing a soft smile on my lips...i knew it was not true as one day she would die aswell, but for now i just let her slip from my arms and smiled...forgetting my past again for a while.
( a small gem is imbedded in the page, upon touching you see images appearing)
Drake Subagja gazes up calm, his eyes dark and dead, taking notice of his surroundings, seeing pestilence and then broom's, energy crackles over his hand as he speaks slow with a empty voice"what are those"
Pestilence Magic looks to the broom and blinks growling at it and looking around at the others as they continue to sweep "Ohh emm gehh " hisses at it and looks back hearing Drake "Don't even know what it going on but..we are being..cleaned" shakes her head and looks back at the broom
the main one stopped sweeping regarding drake it would seem, it hopped a few points and then continued to sweep the dust being kicked up growing now, the other two merely swayed from side to side ...
Pestilence Magic looks back at drake not sure what to do but feels a bit nervous as the brooms continue to sweet she would hiss at the broom and almost want to pounce again but fear of more coming from it she stands abck a little and goes to crouch down a little if it made a move for her she would pounce it ...
Drake Subagja his hand became blurred as the energy started to circle aroiund them, from a crackling it became a high toned buzz increasing in height until the sound became to high to be heard" i disaprove of anyone doing anything in here if not gone past me first" drake raised his hand towards one of the brooms and unleashes a energy ball, intending to devour whatever it came across, cut it up, destroy it, suck its essence and energy...seeming drake his calm was not the normal calm
The broom is indeed enveloped by drakes energy, it vanishes with a pop, there is a shudder of reality as it reappears, with it another friend appears all the brooms rotate ominously towards drake shuffle forward and then start to sweep again
Pestilence Magic looks to the brooms and grumbles as she again makes a sweeping motion as it to make them go out "ok enough..you have cleaned enough really...thank you..." she would hiss and go a little closer to it as she tried to make it stop and leave "really thank you ..now go or we start burning your bristles" grumbles as she looks to it
ALL the brooms stop and rotate to pesti .... each one sprouts a pair of arms and hop around a few more times ... then in a wave they bow one ... by .... one .. after the bow of each is complete they all vanish bar one .. it rotates around and EEPS and scuttles to the door.....
Drake Subagja walks closer to pestilence" dont move away from me" drake stood back to back with her as he raises his both arms, a soft thud as something broke through and dark shadows moved up from around drake , drake his eyes shimmered dark as the shadow envelop both him and pestilence" why is there always something what challenges my authority, why cant it never go right "drake his eyes narrowed and a dark whirlwind would try to absorb any energy in the pit,
the final broom scuttles for all its worth he desperartly scrambles towards the door as the whirlwind strikes it ... it staggers and in a very oscar winning scene it would clutch its little wooden shaft of a chest one litte woodeen arm would touch its tip (its head) and it would roll from side to side which if it were a human would be a heart rending scene ... it falls its little arms trying desperatly to geto the door .. so close ... so close and then it turns to grey... falling silent .... as a soft haunting music would play as it turned to ash.....
Pestilence Magic stands close to drake and nods "mmk will do" watches him as the energies swirl around the room as she keeps a close eye on the broom seeing if they will leave or stay
( the gem stopped showing images)
As the brooms all died i asked pestilence to gather their remains so we could find out who send them, possibly getting some revenge. When pestilence had gathered the ash in a bottle she gave it to me, i reached out to the bottle and for her aswell. It had been one of my selfconcious days, realising how it all went so far and being sad for it. Holding pestilence i thought back of the one i loved once, and lost all the same due to my own actions . Pestilence smiled caring as she said she would not ever leave, causing a soft smile on my lips...i knew it was not true as one day she would die aswell, but for now i just let her slip from my arms and smiled...forgetting my past again for a while.
dinsdag 14 september 2010
Day of the cockzilla
I thought i was gone be a normal day today,guess i was wrong. Amethys from the righteous turned up at the pit, when i asked why she just walked in she told me...she needed a cock. After the thought and mental freak-out moment i asked her again, as it turned out she needed a cock cause a friend of her wanted to eat one...well, she wanted a rotten one . Righteous, they keep amazing me every day and not in a good way. Suddenly i got a fun idea and i wandered to the graveyard, making amethys follow me . There arrived i called upon the flesh of those long gone and summoned a being from behind the most vile curtains..a 15 feet cock with black puss-filled veins and 4 gigantic balls...if she wanted cock, i give her that. I left ame alone with her new penis, hoping that the method of summoning it would cause some evil side-effec...hey, i can hope, right?"
maandag 13 september 2010
The passing of days
Past days been busy again
meili , my daughter, asked for some lesson, which i was glad to teach, she asked how to make puppets and i taught her after taking her to where i came from, returning for a moment was kind of saddening but meili learned fast and my mood went happy fast
Shadows went after kindred also recent, it was great, bodies everywhere and blood all over the place, as ever was marky a bit loud but one of the shadows, esso, took care of him fast
meili , my daughter, asked for some lesson, which i was glad to teach, she asked how to make puppets and i taught her after taking her to where i came from, returning for a moment was kind of saddening but meili learned fast and my mood went happy fast
Shadows went after kindred also recent, it was great, bodies everywhere and blood all over the place, as ever was marky a bit loud but one of the shadows, esso, took care of him fast
donderdag 9 september 2010
The daily mess
The dairy was not filled in for a few days, then all on one page
two days ago
It had looked like it would be a nice day, the idea got ruined when i found a kindred in the pit with two shadows. The shadows spoke of thing they disliked and the offer the kindred had made to them, i was not amused. It took me a bit that day to keep my calm, to keep civil while my mind kept screaming,' kill them kill them kill her kill him kill them all ', but that day i kept calm. Made a mental note on murdering the kindred who offered on a later date.
one day ago
Decided to make a little walk to church, to see the happy faces of the rights as they just 'addore' me.
Noticed a small fight between esso and pilgrim, the book she was holding seemed to hold much power, i should look into that. then pilgrim fought lindsay and it came to a draw...seeing as they knocked eachother out , girl fights sure got lethal since i was young...then again that was over 2000 years ago. Talked a bit to righteous and taunted them with telling someone was gone make a puppet out of one of them. Also saw griffith back, a ex righteous from the old days, he was quite amusing as ever and still one of few i respected.
Not much happening today , made me think of the past, about the one i lost. It is ironic, one who was a flirt had fallen for someone in the past,but she died due to me. The only one so far who touched me deep, deionarra.
( a small gem is attached to the page, upon touching you see a story in your mind told from a third person view)
deionarra was one of the aasimar, beings who where half human and half of devine blood.
But other then her carefree sweet nature and her sight beyond the limits of time and space she was human in every sense of the word .
Deionarra's father was a lawyer and was married to the wife that his mother chose for him for political reasons.
This didnt stop him to fall in love with another girl who he encountered on a bussiness trip, and like with most loves a child was born.
He divorced his wife and wanted that his new love and child would live with him.
But his bussiness was firmly in the hands of his mother and she forbid her son to let them live with him.
Meanwhile deionarra grew up at her mothers home who turned out to be a deity.
Her life was as carefree as she was herself and she became a friendly lively girl over time.
Her grandmother was becoming known to the fact that there would be no one to inherit the law-firm if nothing was done.
But she still hated deionarrra's mother for stealing the heart of her son and making him leave the wife she chose for him.
And she devised a plan, deionarra could live with her father but then she had to say goodbye forever to her mother.
Normally you can not treaten a deity but deionarra's mother was dependant of people believing in her, if none believe in deity's , they cease to excist.
So deionarra said goodbye to her mother in return for her grandmother to build a temple for deionarra's mother.
Deionarra was smart for her age, if this was because of her mother or because of her strong spirit is not known, and she got law-school teach to her by her father.
She was not welcome on any school as her sweet nature made her to tell the truth at all times.
Combinated with her 'gift' this caused situations like as she telling her classmates when their parents or themselfs would die.
At the age of nineteen she was a fine lady,gradutated in a law degree, loved by all around her and a pleasure in being with.
She was shopping one day when she noticed a man on the market who was talking to some girls for directions, the girls seemed to devour every word he spoke and they seemed more then willing to help the man.
Even deionarra had to admit there was something about him she couldnt lay her finger on but he had something that made a impresion hard to forget.
Imagine her amazement when she came home from shopping and found the man in her father's working room.
Her father told her he was a new client who needed some legal guidance and directions as her father's work had taken him far and wide and he became quite the traveller
The man stood up to greet deionarra and introduced himself as drake, she bowed slight to greet him as he took her hand and kissed it soft while his eyes never left her gaze at him.
What neither dieonarra or her father knew was that drake never needed the directions or counseling, he only needed her as she was known with laws and daughter to a high power.
From that day on where-ever deionarra went she found drake being there also, she went shopping and he was there seeking people to travel with him, she went to her mother's temple and he was there praying .
Deionarra grew close to drake and fell in love with him, wanting to travel with him to where-ever he would go.
Drake warned her that it would not be trip for fragile girls but his words were double-edged, for every word he said to stop her , there were two to make her even more wanting to come with him.
And so she came to join drake on his travel, foolish as she was for she knew what waited her, as she had seen what laid ahead and still blindly followed drake in her love for him.
And then deionarra came to the place she had seen in her dreams,but she could not speak of what would happen as she feared drake might leave her for trying to stopping him.
He was friendly aslong as you came not against him, she seen his dark side but ignored what she saw as she would give her life for him if needed...and drake knew this..he even counted on it.
They entered a dark castle and came to face its ruler....Ravel,greatest of the gray hags...drake came to the hag to learn of power and might and asked to the hag for this.
The hag mighty as she was fell as any other for drake's decieving..she said to teach him but for a price..never to leave the castle ever again..deionarra ended up a servant girl while drake if wasnt studying was to stay at Ravel's side as a lover...this hurt her to see this but every night drake came to her room and told it was just an act..he only loved her...and she believed him.
Deionarra did cleaning and cooking till the day drake had learned all he could and he came to her saying they would escape in the night...but Ravel was a cautious and had known her 'lover ' would flee if he could learn no more.
Deionarra had the keys to the doors as she had to shop for food at times and they ran through the dark corridors towards the door ..where Ravel was waiting, her eyes blood red and a insane grin on her lips.
Ravel forbid drake to leave and in her insanity hurled a fireball at drake at her full strenght...deionarra had seen what would happen..drake would die and his spirit would walk the death lands forever.
She jumped infront of the fireball ,not seeing the grin that appeared on drake's face when she did this..drake took this opportunity to counter with what he learned and stunned the hag so he could escape
When drake escaped he took deionarra with him, she said him to leave her behind and escape before Ravel got free from her state but he spoke his words again saying he would escape with her or die with her.
And so was deionarra caried away in drake's arms towards freedom...but drake was simply not done with her yet...Deionarra felt she would not live long anymore and drake shed tears for her as he screamed for her to live.
Deionarra took drake close to her and said she would wait for him in the lands of the death and then her heart stopped , leaving drake with her lifeless shell..Drake burried deionarra and grinned as he succeeded in his plan..he still lived and now he had some one on the other side to aid him in any way she could..
( the story fades and the gem goes silent)
Atleast it should have been like that, after a while i noticed i kept calling to her followed by realising she was gone. Each day i started to miss her more,i cursed myself remembering what i had done, getting the only one i cared for to die. Since then i dont get involved to deep in relations, i am old and seen to many die while i keep alive. Not that i matters, by tommorow i think about other things untill the day i have nothing to do again..crying for a lost one.
two days ago
It had looked like it would be a nice day, the idea got ruined when i found a kindred in the pit with two shadows. The shadows spoke of thing they disliked and the offer the kindred had made to them, i was not amused. It took me a bit that day to keep my calm, to keep civil while my mind kept screaming,' kill them kill them kill her kill him kill them all ', but that day i kept calm. Made a mental note on murdering the kindred who offered on a later date.
one day ago
Decided to make a little walk to church, to see the happy faces of the rights as they just 'addore' me.
Noticed a small fight between esso and pilgrim, the book she was holding seemed to hold much power, i should look into that. then pilgrim fought lindsay and it came to a draw...seeing as they knocked eachother out , girl fights sure got lethal since i was young...then again that was over 2000 years ago. Talked a bit to righteous and taunted them with telling someone was gone make a puppet out of one of them. Also saw griffith back, a ex righteous from the old days, he was quite amusing as ever and still one of few i respected.
Not much happening today , made me think of the past, about the one i lost. It is ironic, one who was a flirt had fallen for someone in the past,but she died due to me. The only one so far who touched me deep, deionarra.
( a small gem is attached to the page, upon touching you see a story in your mind told from a third person view)
deionarra was one of the aasimar, beings who where half human and half of devine blood.
But other then her carefree sweet nature and her sight beyond the limits of time and space she was human in every sense of the word .
Deionarra's father was a lawyer and was married to the wife that his mother chose for him for political reasons.
This didnt stop him to fall in love with another girl who he encountered on a bussiness trip, and like with most loves a child was born.
He divorced his wife and wanted that his new love and child would live with him.
But his bussiness was firmly in the hands of his mother and she forbid her son to let them live with him.
Meanwhile deionarra grew up at her mothers home who turned out to be a deity.
Her life was as carefree as she was herself and she became a friendly lively girl over time.
Her grandmother was becoming known to the fact that there would be no one to inherit the law-firm if nothing was done.
But she still hated deionarrra's mother for stealing the heart of her son and making him leave the wife she chose for him.
And she devised a plan, deionarra could live with her father but then she had to say goodbye forever to her mother.
Normally you can not treaten a deity but deionarra's mother was dependant of people believing in her, if none believe in deity's , they cease to excist.
So deionarra said goodbye to her mother in return for her grandmother to build a temple for deionarra's mother.
Deionarra was smart for her age, if this was because of her mother or because of her strong spirit is not known, and she got law-school teach to her by her father.
She was not welcome on any school as her sweet nature made her to tell the truth at all times.
Combinated with her 'gift' this caused situations like as she telling her classmates when their parents or themselfs would die.
At the age of nineteen she was a fine lady,gradutated in a law degree, loved by all around her and a pleasure in being with.
She was shopping one day when she noticed a man on the market who was talking to some girls for directions, the girls seemed to devour every word he spoke and they seemed more then willing to help the man.
Even deionarra had to admit there was something about him she couldnt lay her finger on but he had something that made a impresion hard to forget.
Imagine her amazement when she came home from shopping and found the man in her father's working room.
Her father told her he was a new client who needed some legal guidance and directions as her father's work had taken him far and wide and he became quite the traveller
The man stood up to greet deionarra and introduced himself as drake, she bowed slight to greet him as he took her hand and kissed it soft while his eyes never left her gaze at him.
What neither dieonarra or her father knew was that drake never needed the directions or counseling, he only needed her as she was known with laws and daughter to a high power.
From that day on where-ever deionarra went she found drake being there also, she went shopping and he was there seeking people to travel with him, she went to her mother's temple and he was there praying .
Deionarra grew close to drake and fell in love with him, wanting to travel with him to where-ever he would go.
Drake warned her that it would not be trip for fragile girls but his words were double-edged, for every word he said to stop her , there were two to make her even more wanting to come with him.
And so she came to join drake on his travel, foolish as she was for she knew what waited her, as she had seen what laid ahead and still blindly followed drake in her love for him.
And then deionarra came to the place she had seen in her dreams,but she could not speak of what would happen as she feared drake might leave her for trying to stopping him.
He was friendly aslong as you came not against him, she seen his dark side but ignored what she saw as she would give her life for him if needed...and drake knew this..he even counted on it.
They entered a dark castle and came to face its ruler....Ravel,greatest of the gray hags...drake came to the hag to learn of power and might and asked to the hag for this.
The hag mighty as she was fell as any other for drake's decieving..she said to teach him but for a price..never to leave the castle ever again..deionarra ended up a servant girl while drake if wasnt studying was to stay at Ravel's side as a lover...this hurt her to see this but every night drake came to her room and told it was just an act..he only loved her...and she believed him.
Deionarra did cleaning and cooking till the day drake had learned all he could and he came to her saying they would escape in the night...but Ravel was a cautious and had known her 'lover ' would flee if he could learn no more.
Deionarra had the keys to the doors as she had to shop for food at times and they ran through the dark corridors towards the door ..where Ravel was waiting, her eyes blood red and a insane grin on her lips.
Ravel forbid drake to leave and in her insanity hurled a fireball at drake at her full strenght...deionarra had seen what would happen..drake would die and his spirit would walk the death lands forever.
She jumped infront of the fireball ,not seeing the grin that appeared on drake's face when she did this..drake took this opportunity to counter with what he learned and stunned the hag so he could escape
When drake escaped he took deionarra with him, she said him to leave her behind and escape before Ravel got free from her state but he spoke his words again saying he would escape with her or die with her.
And so was deionarra caried away in drake's arms towards freedom...but drake was simply not done with her yet...Deionarra felt she would not live long anymore and drake shed tears for her as he screamed for her to live.
Deionarra took drake close to her and said she would wait for him in the lands of the death and then her heart stopped , leaving drake with her lifeless shell..Drake burried deionarra and grinned as he succeeded in his plan..he still lived and now he had some one on the other side to aid him in any way she could..
( the story fades and the gem goes silent)
Atleast it should have been like that, after a while i noticed i kept calling to her followed by realising she was gone. Each day i started to miss her more,i cursed myself remembering what i had done, getting the only one i cared for to die. Since then i dont get involved to deep in relations, i am old and seen to many die while i keep alive. Not that i matters, by tommorow i think about other things untill the day i have nothing to do again..crying for a lost one.
maandag 6 september 2010
Busy days
Aday like any other, but i had some amusement
I started my day by emptying the mailbox and hearing a noise, which turned out a applicant . I had a small talk with her and told her to learn some more about the shadows first ,then come back later. As she left i saw Jimm from the coven at the door, who had been talking to esso before and was send my way apparantly. Smiling calm i asked what he wanted , he sought access to the darker arts , with dark idea's in the back of my head i told him to find my daughter and that he would pay the price severely . He nodded and walked off , me following him a bit later .
As i arrived at the coven shop a grin appeared on my face as i saw that Jimm was surrounded by covens and that he had pulled a knife....i guess the covens found out he talked to me. I leaned to the bar and smiled calm as i said that i had come to pay for a order i had placed, when they asked for what i was asked i told them i was told to pay with a date. The look on joenta her face as she heard this was priceless and moments later came the one who had made the deal to me and asked to where we could speak in silence. Walking to the dinner she remarked it was just a talk she wanted, i remarked with the fact that messing with joenta her head was worth a lie.
It was tori , the purple demon i believe, she wanted to know how to make a puppet out of people, on my question who was i correct, Beth from the rights....seemed that tori had a little crush on beth and wanted to have her. She already had some blood gathered and i explained what she needed to do, drinks that blood to make a link' chuckles' wonder what beth her blood may cause. She thanked me and walked off, i smiled calm at the idea that the coven needed help and that beth would be a puppet to a coven soon, together with Jimm being targetted for talking to me....its been a fun day.
I started my day by emptying the mailbox and hearing a noise, which turned out a applicant . I had a small talk with her and told her to learn some more about the shadows first ,then come back later. As she left i saw Jimm from the coven at the door, who had been talking to esso before and was send my way apparantly. Smiling calm i asked what he wanted , he sought access to the darker arts , with dark idea's in the back of my head i told him to find my daughter and that he would pay the price severely . He nodded and walked off , me following him a bit later .
As i arrived at the coven shop a grin appeared on my face as i saw that Jimm was surrounded by covens and that he had pulled a knife....i guess the covens found out he talked to me. I leaned to the bar and smiled calm as i said that i had come to pay for a order i had placed, when they asked for what i was asked i told them i was told to pay with a date. The look on joenta her face as she heard this was priceless and moments later came the one who had made the deal to me and asked to where we could speak in silence. Walking to the dinner she remarked it was just a talk she wanted, i remarked with the fact that messing with joenta her head was worth a lie.
It was tori , the purple demon i believe, she wanted to know how to make a puppet out of people, on my question who was i correct, Beth from the rights....seemed that tori had a little crush on beth and wanted to have her. She already had some blood gathered and i explained what she needed to do, drinks that blood to make a link' chuckles' wonder what beth her blood may cause. She thanked me and walked off, i smiled calm at the idea that the coven needed help and that beth would be a puppet to a coven soon, together with Jimm being targetted for talking to me....its been a fun day.
zondag 5 september 2010
Ryders on the roll
It was a day like many, people being liars, killing eachother, casual toxia stuff as i walked past the garage on my way to the pit. I stopped as some of the shadows were present ,talking to some ryders,seeing the one named wulf in a collar pleased me to no end and i wanted to continue to the pit as one drew a weapon to the shadow holding the leash. As i wanted to get it done with and get wulf at the pit i raised my hand to collect energy for making a energy orb to throw.
As i brought my hand down to release the orb i noticed a glimmer and brought my arm up just on time, a big hammer smashing into me and throwing me a few feet sideways as a ryder had been behind me. Gazing aside i met the eyes of the one who hit me" not your smartest move of the day" i began charging a new orb as the ryder made some nonsense about 'not thinking before he strikes', nodding to this in agreement i let go off the energy orb. The orb spiralled towards the ryder,bursting in smaller ones who circled the ryder as they moved to him, intending to cause severe pleasure which would take him out...i was wrong .
As the orb hit the ryder his eyes softend as he moved closer, clearly lustfull for me and freaking me out before i smiled and tried to manupilate him into attacking his own group. My attempt failed as the ryder spoke of wanting nothing but slip his cock into my virgin ass ,causing a unnoticed shiver in my body as i moved my hand to his chest to stop him and trying to manupilate him again. The feeling of his hand going for my lower regions caused me to go to the offensive as i smiled calm, "sweet dreams" i dispelled the lust to gather a large amount of energy, the ryder looked at my hand yet it was to late as my hand had been resting on his chest for a bit now. A hard bang as the ryder took the blast at pointblank range and was thrown across the street, knocking into a building as i was turning around again and thought to not use lust energy on the ryder again . Walking back to the pit i noticed the shadows taking out the ryders and with a calm smile i decided to rest my eyes, it been a long day and no puppets were gained..this time...
As i brought my hand down to release the orb i noticed a glimmer and brought my arm up just on time, a big hammer smashing into me and throwing me a few feet sideways as a ryder had been behind me. Gazing aside i met the eyes of the one who hit me" not your smartest move of the day" i began charging a new orb as the ryder made some nonsense about 'not thinking before he strikes', nodding to this in agreement i let go off the energy orb. The orb spiralled towards the ryder,bursting in smaller ones who circled the ryder as they moved to him, intending to cause severe pleasure which would take him out...i was wrong .
As the orb hit the ryder his eyes softend as he moved closer, clearly lustfull for me and freaking me out before i smiled and tried to manupilate him into attacking his own group. My attempt failed as the ryder spoke of wanting nothing but slip his cock into my virgin ass ,causing a unnoticed shiver in my body as i moved my hand to his chest to stop him and trying to manupilate him again. The feeling of his hand going for my lower regions caused me to go to the offensive as i smiled calm, "sweet dreams" i dispelled the lust to gather a large amount of energy, the ryder looked at my hand yet it was to late as my hand had been resting on his chest for a bit now. A hard bang as the ryder took the blast at pointblank range and was thrown across the street, knocking into a building as i was turning around again and thought to not use lust energy on the ryder again . Walking back to the pit i noticed the shadows taking out the ryders and with a calm smile i decided to rest my eyes, it been a long day and no puppets were gained..this time...
A few stories from the past
The first few pages look old and not like part of the rest, some old stories written down on them.
Dreams and dolls
...I open my eyes slowly, it been a few hours since i closed them but i didnt sleep. I didnt sleep for a while now, i still remember last time i had some sleep ,hearing the voices of all those that died by my hand or command. Time passes slow when you dont sleep anymore so i got myself a hobby, i collect dolls. It amuses me to look at them, to make them do as i want , when i want . I stand up and walk to the street , noticing a girl alone and a soft smile forms on my lips as i walk to her . As i come closer she notices me, she is unsure what to do as i stand before her, taller then her...i always been taller then them. She stares speechless as i reach out to her hand and kiss it soft while i look up to her and smile, giving her a moment of thought that i am submissive to her. I introduce myself and before she realises it she done the same to me, i smile soft and she feels more at ease . I feel her thinking she is not that type of girl...the type that just talks to strange men, the type that deserves such attention , she thinks it has to be a dream . She looks to me as like to confirm this and i meet her eyes making her look away again and blush. I lean in and kiss her cheek , draining her energy and make her faint, she is only out for a moment and dreams , i make her dream over and over about me, whispering sweet nothings...being nice...make her feel special and then she wakes up. I bid her farewell making the excuse she looks a bit tired and wander off...i feel her gaze at my back, believing i am a friend or even more..wanting to do whatever i ask so i stay longer next time . As i wander back to where i rest my eyes i notice a girl on a bench and smile again as i walk to her, the smile as calm as my manners as so often before but to me she is just another doll.....and i am the Dollmaster.
Nightmares and dolls
...I stand on the street talking with a girl as a man sees us, her father. He sees his young daughter talk, walk with me and his emotions flare up, wondering who i am and why his daughter seems so at ease with me . He walks closer and feels his stomache turn for some reason as he sees me ,thinking he shouldnt have got that second hotdog. I smile soft and greet him, my voice only making him more angry as he thinks me a loverboy after his daughter and he lashes out to me, knocking me down . The father turns to his daughter and sees her smiling, he raises a brow wondering why his daughter smiled as he took her friend down with one hit . His stomache turns again as he realises it had been easy...to easy , he turns around to look at me and all turns black for him as he hears me whisper in his ear" you enjoyed it so much last time? " . As he wakes up he finds himself on a rack and he sees me sitting before him, his daughter at my feet and he speaks harshly" what am i doing here and what do you mean with 'last time' . I smile soft and look at him" your mind made you forget, how awefull, let me help you" i snap my fingers and bring back the memories his mind tried to hide from him. The father his eyes go wide as he remembers everything, how he hit me before and found himself on the rack , seeing how i whispered to his daughter and she undressed, only to walk to him and have her way with him. He remembered how his little girl did all those things to him and how nausea overcame him,wanting to throw up but not able to , how his own barely legal daughter had raped him as i had whispered to her. I lean to his daughter and whisper , making the father go in screaming as his daughter walks to him to repeat last time. Gazing upon this i stand up and smile" i would not want to disturb this father and daughter moment". I walk out hoping he learns this time and grin as the daughter would do all i want just to make me stay, a good doll and me...the Dollmaster
Dreams and dolls
...I open my eyes slowly, it been a few hours since i closed them but i didnt sleep. I didnt sleep for a while now, i still remember last time i had some sleep ,hearing the voices of all those that died by my hand or command. Time passes slow when you dont sleep anymore so i got myself a hobby, i collect dolls. It amuses me to look at them, to make them do as i want , when i want . I stand up and walk to the street , noticing a girl alone and a soft smile forms on my lips as i walk to her . As i come closer she notices me, she is unsure what to do as i stand before her, taller then her...i always been taller then them. She stares speechless as i reach out to her hand and kiss it soft while i look up to her and smile, giving her a moment of thought that i am submissive to her. I introduce myself and before she realises it she done the same to me, i smile soft and she feels more at ease . I feel her thinking she is not that type of girl...the type that just talks to strange men, the type that deserves such attention , she thinks it has to be a dream . She looks to me as like to confirm this and i meet her eyes making her look away again and blush. I lean in and kiss her cheek , draining her energy and make her faint, she is only out for a moment and dreams , i make her dream over and over about me, whispering sweet nothings...being nice...make her feel special and then she wakes up. I bid her farewell making the excuse she looks a bit tired and wander off...i feel her gaze at my back, believing i am a friend or even more..wanting to do whatever i ask so i stay longer next time . As i wander back to where i rest my eyes i notice a girl on a bench and smile again as i walk to her, the smile as calm as my manners as so often before but to me she is just another doll.....and i am the Dollmaster.
Nightmares and dolls
...I stand on the street talking with a girl as a man sees us, her father. He sees his young daughter talk, walk with me and his emotions flare up, wondering who i am and why his daughter seems so at ease with me . He walks closer and feels his stomache turn for some reason as he sees me ,thinking he shouldnt have got that second hotdog. I smile soft and greet him, my voice only making him more angry as he thinks me a loverboy after his daughter and he lashes out to me, knocking me down . The father turns to his daughter and sees her smiling, he raises a brow wondering why his daughter smiled as he took her friend down with one hit . His stomache turns again as he realises it had been easy...to easy , he turns around to look at me and all turns black for him as he hears me whisper in his ear" you enjoyed it so much last time? " . As he wakes up he finds himself on a rack and he sees me sitting before him, his daughter at my feet and he speaks harshly" what am i doing here and what do you mean with 'last time' . I smile soft and look at him" your mind made you forget, how awefull, let me help you" i snap my fingers and bring back the memories his mind tried to hide from him. The father his eyes go wide as he remembers everything, how he hit me before and found himself on the rack , seeing how i whispered to his daughter and she undressed, only to walk to him and have her way with him. He remembered how his little girl did all those things to him and how nausea overcame him,wanting to throw up but not able to , how his own barely legal daughter had raped him as i had whispered to her. I lean to his daughter and whisper , making the father go in screaming as his daughter walks to him to repeat last time. Gazing upon this i stand up and smile" i would not want to disturb this father and daughter moment". I walk out hoping he learns this time and grin as the daughter would do all i want just to make me stay, a good doll and me...the Dollmaster
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