dinsdag 13 september 2011

Drake meets a old friend

Ah, little morticia, it had been a while since we had spoken. We started with friendly words yet went into showing each-other what new tricks each of us had learned in the time not spend . Blood flowed...hehe.

" a large gem is placed on the page, when touched you see a image appear in your mind"

15:34]  Drake Subagja walks into haven and lets his gaze go over those in it, smiling calm as he makes his way through them"

[15:35]  Morti D'Sparil  (morticia.boucher) smiles a she sees Drake and runs a finger along his arm to his shoulder to try and twirl a string of his white hair around it " Long time no see" she spoke with a sugar sweet voice that always made herself puke

[15:36]  Drake Subagja gazes calm up from the floor, following morti her body from toe's to top of her head" to long, i forgot what deliciousness you held"he licks his lips as his green eyes shimmer"

[15:39]  Morti D'Sparil  (morticia.boucher) chuckles as she played with the string of pure white hair " Always the flatterer still i see" she chuckles as she leaned forward letting her cold breath brush against the warm skin of his neck and took a deep breath to take in his scent " Still Smelling yummy, time hasnt been doing yuo harm i see" she grins as she let her tongue flick along his neck before leaning back and letting go of his hair

[15:41]  Drake Subagja reaches out to morticia in a mirror of her own move, reaching to her hair and sliding his fingers through it if she didnt pull back" oh, some things did change" his eye shimmer soft"

[15:41]  Kashgari D'Sparil (kashgari.zsun) gets up letting out a deep sigh " puppy's and fledgelings , nothing entertaining here " he walks outside to see if there is somethng interesting going on in town

[15:44] Morti D'Sparil Morti D'Sparil  stopped in her movements as he mirror her movements and let a purr emit from her throat as he did reach for her hair " And did they? Now you made me curious" she chuckles softly as she ran a finger up and down his arm sensually that was holding her

[15:49] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja his eyes shimmer, if mortticia had payed attention more she would have noticed three things, one, drake his hair was twice as long as last time they saw eachother, two, drake his eyes were no blue anymore but green snake eyes, and three, the drake she had known was gone and replaced by a previous incarnation of him,drake pulled morticia a bit closer by her hair and leaned in, speaking with calm voice" such a shame it would be to waste a good snack" drake his hand would start to glow and a energy burst would try to drain mortticia her energy into drake "

[15:54] Morti D'Sparil Morti D'Sparil  chuckles as she got pulled closer by her hair..she always got a bitt exited in a specific place if her hair got pulled..she knew drake but something had changed about him...she did notice his hair and eyes but didnt think it was much too worry about till the point her let his hand glow and a enery shot was trying to drain her...she growled as she reached for his wrist and dig her nails into it...she felt the enery drain her biit by bitt and started to drawn the shadows towards her to show him her new tricks letting a black mist emit from her feet " You sure about this? It could end up in a race of endurance" she grins as she got stronger in the time she was away

[16:00] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja gazed at morticia with a smile addorning his lips" hmm, are you sure about wanting to put up a struggle" drake didnt noticed the mist at her feet as his hand glowed brighter, blue marks forming on it which grew black fast, a tendril comming out his shoulder which reached for morticia her neck , softly carressing it at first before it moved sidewards far and attempted to hit her side like a whip, " i love a good race"

[16:07] Morti D'Sparil Morti D'Sparil  would jump at the whipping tenticle if she didnt enjoy the slight abuse but she did wince slightly at the burn it made on her pale flesh " aint a struggle the best?" she chuckles letting the balck mist soldify itself in snakelike tenticles as curl up along her left leg...she leaned a hand down to pet it like it was a pet " Makes the blood so much more tasty" she snickers as the tenicle would now make its way towards Drake waist and let it make its way towards his neck and if it had the chance wrap it around his neck to tighten more like a constuctor with ever breath he takes

[16:16] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja looks at the tenticles which moved over him, the good thing about white was that you noticed anything on it fast, the hand that was glowing slowly broke open, small metal plates covering it from fingertips to shoulder, forming a enormous glove" it be a shame to disturb the mood here, "drake closed his gloved hand and formed a fist, "lets get some more room" he raised his hand and swung his metal fist at morticia her head to knock her out the side-entrance out"

[16:20] Morti D'Sparil Morti D'Sparil  blinks as metal plates started to cover the glowing hand..she never saw him do that before as the fist made contact with her face...she felt her jaw dislocate and all she felt after that was the breath being pushed out of her lunges as she hit the wall at the side entrance and made her tumble out of the door into the street ..breaking her shadow tricks on Drake..she had no way to stop this

[16:21] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja flexed his glove and walked out the door morti flew out " playtime begins"

[16:22] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja looks down to morti who was thrown outside and disspells the glove" so new tricks? show me what you got" drake his tendril retracted as he walked to the street and crosses his arms waiting"

[16:27] Morti D'Sparil Morti D'Sparil  sighs as she located her jaw back in place with a deep growl she winced as the bone snapped back " Fucker, you always treat girls like this?" she hissed but then curled a smile on her lips as she made her way towards Drake " You little fucker, this your way of foreplay?" she sighs deeply taking in a deep breath as she draw in shadows again

[16:32] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja his coat folded open into six wings as his skin grew white and seemed to grow as his body was revealed more muscled then his thin shape could betray" would be disrespecting you if i didnt do my best" drake formed a sign in the air and shadows formed around him"

[16:37] Morti D'Sparil Morti D'Sparil  chuckles as she holded her chin to still move around her jaw into the right position..she blinked at his transformation " Wow, getting more hunky by the second" she chuckles as draw in even more shadow from the street..balck mist would from around Drake's feet whihc were probably invisible under his mist ...she wasnt inpressed that easily so she would twist the shadows into two skeletal hands comming from underneath his feet to take a grab at his ankle to make sure he was kept in place..at least this way she had some security he would reach her as fast

[16:42] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja felt something around his ankles and tried to move his feet , " ah, a binding spell? well thought, but not thought out" drake his tendtril waved out to its max lenght, forming a wing formation before it all went for morticia her form to grab her and squeeze her body like a grapefruit if they got hold" wonder if your 'juice ' is delicious"

[16:46] Morti D'Sparil Morti D'Sparil  chuckles " I dont do spells...just wielding the darkness" she grins but then felt the tenticles wrap around her before she could even react on it they were sqeeuzeing her....she was gasping for air and could even hear a bone or two snap with its force..at least that was what it sounded like....she focuused on her shadow to try and pull Drake's legs from under him in hopes it would get this grip from her to catch a slight breath

[16:49] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja his legs were pulled outwards and he fell to a knee, yet his tendrils were in a more open position now cause of drake his form not being in front of them anymore, he lifted them high and swung them down to the floor to smash morticia into the concrete" hmm, you got better indeed" the tendril would retract and pull drake his feet free

[16:53] Morti D'Sparil Morti D'Sparil  felt the air smashed out of her once again as she hit the concrete with brute force..this making her shadows poof as fast as they appear...she slowly crawled to sit on one knee to catch her breath " Wow your powers upgraded aswell" she curled a smirk on her bloodred lip as her fangs prolude from thier place " I liek your way of foreplay" she nodded as she blew a string of hair from her face whihc now showed a trinkle of blood runing from the corner of it " I like it rough, always did" she was getting tired but tried not to show it

[16:59] Drake Subagja: oh,really? then i guess i shall honor that" drake arched his back, long spikes portruding from it as he grew taller and his shoe's shifted to long talons like a dragon's feet, his demon form, horns forming out of his hair aswell as little wings, then his tail grew out as his wings formed thinner plates which folded open, wings like blades now on his back, he tensed his muscles and trew his form towards her, twirling like a arrow his sharp bladed wings made him a razor sharp projectile" nex ala "

[17:13] Morti D'Sparil Morti D'Sparil  looked up from her kneeled position at yet another new form and sighs " how many do you got goddammit?" at her breathing when she spoke it could be heard she was getting tired slowly if listend to it closely ..she felt his body smash into hers before she could make a dive for a escape...she got pinned down by his figure onto the concrete...she didnt feel any stings of blades protuding her skin but her adreneline was way up there that it wouldnt even had hurt if they did literally touch her ...she look up to Drake's face with her blue brown eyes and titled her head letting out a moan ..she even wasnt sure if that one was from the impact or exictment from being pinned to the floor .....but she did notice the straps of flesh drapping along her body like curtains...more blood was comming from her mouth...she was getting tired but didnt want to give in that easy...she felt to the floor as she was getting weaker but tried to crawl back up again between the peices of her own flesh on the street

[17:20] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja towers over morticia and tries to jab two wings down to the left and right of her head from oppesite directions, to place her neck in a scizor lock, if they had kept her in place drake would lean down, some pressure on the wings making small cuts left and right of her neck" will you give in or shall we check if you need a head to survive? "drake leans down and licks the edge of one of the wings,morticia her blood covering his lips as he licked them, drake seemed to enjoy tasting the blood of his victim, his lips red now of morti her blood"

[17:25] Morti D'Sparil Morti D'Sparil  heard the wings jab its way into the concrete and felt the sting of the cuts they made on her neck...she winced slightly if she could but was unable as she was locked into place....she would shake her head in a way to say no to his beheading idea...she was close to a noctural hibernation from the bloodloss she had at this moment..no one ever managed to mutilate her this much to cause herbody to go in shut down...her eyes would slowly open and close as she tried to stay consious..she needed to give in to survive this time btu always knew Drake was more powerfull then her...her breathing getting more shallow with the second slowly causeing her to go in hibernation if Drake didnt respond

[17:29] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja stood up and folded his wings shut, long tendrils ,4 of them, reaching to morticia her body to position her on her knees if they managed to grab her" now kneel and beg , scream for your life to be saved, then you can leave or pass out, me either"

[17:36] Morti D'Sparil Morti D'Sparil  felt her body being placed in a kneeling position but was to weak to even do something against it...she would lift her head up slowy to face his as her eyes turned bright red from anger and her fangs to thier full enghts now which were visible when she growled deeply "Beg?" she shook her head with a weak motion...she was barely able to move but could find some strenght deep within to her consious and hung her head " Fine , finsih me, strike me down.." she spoke with a weak voice as she sat there on her knees and her head hanged down..her raven black hair hanging to the sides of it..the bloodpool getting bigger with the blood she kept losing..she would either die at this moment or fall into a hibernation state....she wouldnt beg to no one..she would rather die

[17:37] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja laughs softly

[17:41] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja laughed and retracted the tendrils, letting her fall out of position" smart child, begging would shown you as weak, i would have pulled you limb from limb, i look forwards to playing with you again "drake started to turn around and left morticia bleeding behind

[17:43] Morti D'Sparil Morti D'Sparil  could pull out the strenght to yell out after Drake " Foreplay and no sex...you suck" after that she would fall down on the cold floor in a puddle of her own blood and a matrass of her own flesh...her eyes blinking in and out of consiousness as she just used up her last part of her energy and slowly started to faint away into the darkness of her hibernation

[17:50] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja looked over his shoulder" you dont even deserve a tentacle to rape you, perhaps if you can change a few things, i allow you to feel me on or even in you" drake walked off humming"

" the images stop when you let go of the gem "

 In the end she was saved by a passerby, guess i got lucky cause now i can continue where i left off the next time .

1 opmerking:

  1. OoOh Drake how come you never treated me like that huh! Maybe I need to knock on your door some night asking if I could get a little sugar for my morning coffee.
