Back after so long, why not write a bit in drake his journal i thought? I am not the drake many knew in toxia, i am the one from before toxia, the evil monster. Drake his current spirit got used to raise a shadow back from the death, drake had found her and changed her to bring her back from the death yet she didnt awaken . So drake placed his conciousness in her and i got back in control..drake his mind is fragmented so different types of his own self exist
" a small gem is placed on the page, when touched you see a vision in your mind"
[15:44] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja wakes up in the pit after his meditation" another day, another prey" licks his lips in delight of whatever he feeds on today
[15:46] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja looks aside and sees a body on the floor" i wonder who left his victims around" walks closer to body only to notice he knows ?
it all to well,"maki?"
[15:48] Maki HoniMaki Honi was laying there, umoving, dry blood covering her black skin, even her eyes both missing, one half of her face just a skull and bones, ?
the other side the eye hole covered with blood as well as her chest where a large hole shows, someone seemed to have ripped out her heart and stabbed her thigh
[15:50] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja kneels down and picks up maki, carrying her to the sideroom" what happend to you" he whispered even as he doubted she ?
[15:52] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja would carry maki to the bed and put her down gently, looking over her body to find any clue of who or what was responsible ?
for her state"
( crashed)
[16:07] Maki HoniMaki Honi now lays face up to the ceiling, her hands just laying on her sides, the vampiress just seeing dark around her, not feeling the pain from ?
earlier before, it was a comforting darkness filling her body, her lips almost looked like she smiled in a peaceful little sleep she is right now
[16:09] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja gently touches maki while he looks over her to notice every wound and mark , any clue what happend and who did it
[16:11] Maki HoniMaki Honi's forehead was signed with cb's name, a pink ribbon around her neck too, she almost looks like a present even for the shadows
[16:14] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja noticed the name and sighed as he loosend the pink ribbon, in his eyes it dishonored her"what have they done to you, little ?
maki" drake touched her cold cheek and his eyes shimmered" i bring you back, no matter what, what ever you become as long as you live"
[16:18] Maki HoniMaki Honi's surrounding fills with soft whispers, maybe drake could feel a cold touch on his cheek as well after he layed a hand up on maki's, the ?
whispers fading as quick as they appeared and silence fills the rooom again
[16:23] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja shivered for a moment as he felt colder a moment, drake took a pair of eyes out of his pockets, his habit to collect things ?
came in handy now, placing them in maki her empty eye sockets, with some pieces of flesh and blood he gathered long ago he fills the hole in maki's chest and ?
thigh , then pours some blood on her face aswell and closes his eyes slowly, humming a chant to try and bind the flesh,blood and eyes to maki so that her body ?
was atleast complete again"
[16:26] Maki HoniMaki Honi's eyes were opened the moment drake put them into the empty holes but the blood seems to be soaked up by her skin as drake ?
starts mumbling his words, the flesh on her thigh changing to the same dark color the rest of her body was and the chest closing, but very slowly, taking a few ?
minutes but as soon as it is closed again, no scar left, it looked like maki was never damaged
[16:31] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja smiles faint as he sees he succeeded this far, he reached in his coat and got out several candles which he placed on the ?
floor in a circle, drawing a faint patern between them with some blood and a strange liquid from various vials in his coat" sorry that you may not be the same ?
anymore, maki but your life matters more to me then your race" he walks back to maki and picks her up, placing her in the circle softly, the patern starting to glow ?
as maki would be lifted up by unseen forces and held in place"
[16:36] Maki HoniMaki Honi's eyes close the moment she is drawn into the circle and lifted up, hovering there above the glowing pattern that drake created, her ?
arms spreading to both of their sides, her head fall back so that she would face the ceiling of the pit, the vampiress mind filing with a faint vision, seeing a light ?
but before reaching it, she sees it disappearing again in front of her..
[16:42] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja looks at maki her body being lifted and raises a hand out to her aslike trying to reach her before he lets it fall down again" ?
first bring her back, focus drake, "drake closes his eyes and calls energy to his hands, filling the air with sparks within the circle, he cuts his palm and drips it on ?
the patern, slowly floating up like small weightless blobs aslike there was no gravity in the circle, hitting maki drop by drop forming a small layer on her skin and ?
clothes, drake focuses on bringing maki back yet it seems drake his blood does something else to maki her body"
[16:47] MelinaMelina flies up towards the window and remains airborne under silent beats of her wings, her yellow eyes catching a glimse of the ongoing ritual in ?
motion and she decided to take a closer look, even if it were dangerous. With such an ordeal going on, she hoped a little red bird wouldn't catch an eye being ?
outside the window.
[16:50] Maki HoniMaki Honi's body was immediately covered by the thin bit of blood that drake spilled into the circle, it causes her skin to glisten and changing to ?
a kind of red color, suddenly two bulges forming on her head under her hair before her skin cracks open, thick like spikes shooting out, curling themselves to ?
horns, some chains appearing as well on them, then a second loud crack could be heard, this time from her back, a long snake like tail coming out slowly, being ?
lifted up by its tip from the no gravity withint the circle. It would take a few minutes till then finally her feet seem to become red dragon like feet, on each toe ?
forming long black claws, flashing in the light of the candles
[16:53] Valinth Blackburn: Damn thats a hard roof
[16:54] TalliaTallia walks in seeing Maki and Drake. Her pale crimson eyes spy something in the window and go to investigate. She begins to giggle as her hunger ?
grows seeing the creature in the window
[16:55] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja opens his eyes and sees that maki has not woken up yet but seems to have formed somewhat to his own image as demon, ?
drake had tried to keep her the same yet as demon she might be more resistant when the next time she got hurt would arrive, not noticing anyone but maki in his ?
focus, he tries to summon more energy to maki to bring her back from death, the air itself growing heavy from the pressure"
[16:57] TalliaTallia turns giggling madly but her gaze does not move from the winged creature. She moves silently towards the door to go outside and take care of ?
the one outside the window properly
[16:58] MelinaMelina watched in awe and fear as she saw the woman in the circle turning from humanoid into something else, possibly demon. She didn't notice ?
the vampire until she stood right on the other side of the glass. She smiled a bit embarrased and nervously before she notice her walk away. Letting out a sigh of ?
[16:58] Maki Honi: as drake puts more energy into maki, her skin seems to soak up all of it greedy like a sponge, another crack could be heard now, then two ?
large spikes shooting out of her back, opening slowly, looking like feathers, red and silver, not moving yet as anything of maki's body, just her fingers twitch for a ?
brief moment but the rest remaining silent and dead, in the deepest of maki's mind she sees that light again like she did before on the bed, this time maki tries to ?
run as fast as she can, extending her arms, trying to reach it before it goes away again...
[17:01] MelinaMelina eeps and gets startled at the vampire suddenly jumping down next to her and her eyes widdened. "Oh sh-..." She would beat with her arms ?
more and flew backwards to try get away from the person and leave in haste.
[17:01] TalliaTallia lands on the precipise where the creature hangs in the air and grips the handle of the axe tighly in anticpiation of what will come. Softly she ?
begins to whisper "Ooooooooooooooooours"
[17:02] DCS 2.99.33: Tallia Beaumont summons up strength
[17:02] Valinth BlackburnValinth Blackburn looks down with a child like look of glee upon her face as she watches whats going on below
[17:03] TalliaTallia licks her lips and lunges forward swinging her axe at her
[17:07] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja looks at maki her form changing even more yet not wake up yet, drake cringes as he fails to bring her back it seems" i ?
went to far already to give up, maki always did well for me, my turn now," drake reaches in his pocket and brings out a gem about the size of his hand, holding it in ?
front of him as he whispers" i offer part of my life to give life, i offer part of me so one may be, i bring this wish to you, i pay the price" drake his mouth opens and ?
a white smoke flows to maki her mouth, into it, the gem seeming to burrow into drake his chest as it merges with drake, his face contorted in pain"
[17:12] Maki HoniMaki Honi's lips part to take in the smoke, with the first breath maki can take with it, her body fills with life again, her eyes shoot open, glowing ?
immediately from the huge energy, she blinks, loooking around, almost nervous in her insides but soon calming down, something in her making her relax, her gaze ?
falls up on drake, her expression stays emotionless for now as she slowly hovers to the ground, placing her dragon like feet onto it, trying to catch her balance, as ?
she does so, her long claws scraping along the cement, she looks down at herself, then peers over her shoulder with risen brows, wiggling her tail some
[17:17] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja his face slowly grows back to normal or not quite complete, his normal blue eyes were now green snake like and his gaze ?
calm yet cold somehow" child, you were lost, i brought you back, kneel to me " drake his voice sounded different, aslike it was more then before, calmer, colder, ?
ascended" your life belongs to me "
[17:19] Maki HoniMaki Honi hears drake's voice, she was about to snap at him and ask why the hell he is talking to her like that but then she blinks, she notices ?
finally that he is the one that brought her back, she folds her wings, drawing them back into her skin as she does as he demands her to do, she kneels down in ?
front of him, lowering her gaze onto the ground in honor and high respect
[17:23] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja looks upon maki" you were lost among this world, a offer was brought to bring you back, the one known as drake sleeps ?
now as i been given control" he speaks calm" your life belongs to me, it is my property, treat it as careless as you treated your last and i may recollect it, do you ?
[17:25] Maki HoniMaki Honi looks up with her red eyes, her forked tongue hissing out as she nods her head, but then looking down again, saying " I ?
understand"she says calmly, no emotion in her voice or showing on her face, she half peers up but keeping her head lowered, her tail just swaying right and left ?
[17:29] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja looks down to maki" very well, stand up, know i may call upon you when i see fit, use you like anything else i own, know i will ?
be strict but with respect"drake his body changed as his clothes wavered open and intricate paterns lined his clothes"
[17:32] Maki HoniMaki Honi "thank you "she says softly, raising, straightenign her body to look then at drake, askin "you seem different from what i have seen ?
from you in my vampire days...are you still the same drake i know or not? "
[17:35] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja looks at his hands" this form ..suitable" he looks to maki" i am yemeth, he who slumbered, the wishmaster, yet i care ?
naught for names, you may continue to adress me as drake, anything else you wish clarified?"
[17:38] Maki HoniMaki Honi's lips finally form a smile, dark , yet somehow warm for drake, she shakes her head as he finishes "no, drake, just that i will serve you ?
as good as i can, i owe you a lot....."her voice trails off a moment, she looks down at herself again, extending her arms, glaring at them as well
( crashed again)
[17:56] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja crosses his arms behind his back and looks at maki" very good, maki"he walks around her and extends a hand to her chin, ?
leaning in to kiss her, it was to place a spell to be better connected, yet how maki would take it was not known to him, if his lips touched, some blood would be ?
drawn due to drake his sharp teeth, flowing in his mouth, parts of drake his blood flowing into the cut aswell from drake his tongue that got a pinprick from the ?
teeth aswell
[18:00] Maki HoniMaki Honi fixes her eyes on drake, the whole time he moves around her, she watches him drawing closer, looking into his eyes even when she ?
felt his lips on hers, her eyes just close to tiny slits but she was still able to see through them, feeling a slight sting on her lips, but not minding it, the scent of ?
fresh blood filling her nose but she doesnt mind it as well like she would have as vampire. The demoness just standing there, not moving until drake finishes, just ?
a slight blush appearing on her cheeks
[18:02] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja meets her eyes" shall we see what we can do about the one's who caused your demise before?" he crossed his arms and ?
walked out the room"
[18:03] Maki HoniMaki Honi was standing there a second like frozen, she peers over her shoulder, then sighs shaking her head a bit before turning and following
[18:04] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja looks around, his new spirit taking a moment to gather the information required back from drake his memory and opening ?
his eyes again" tallia, you found a victim to play with?"
[18:06] Maki HoniMaki Honi looks around the room, the bit light that comes through the window of the pit roof almost blinding her, she lifts her arm to cover her ?
eyes, following the one that gave her the life back that she actually loved so much, looking towards tallia, she lowers her arm, looking at the winged one "hmhm ?
food "she mumbles
[18:07] TalliaTallia would jump back but not wuick enough a bit of the sliva hitting the bare skin on her leg. She almost twistes her head grumbling and gritting her ?
teeth, eyes blazing red as she reachs for yet another feather. She spits back angered words sarcasism dripping off her pocked tongue "Ooooooooh We know ?
paaaaain well......... They make sure We do" and pulls what muscles are left back making her face look eerie skin gone no lips then reachs for a harness to keep ?
the girl's mouth closed and giggles as she walks behind her forcing it over her head and strapping it together "No mooooore spitting..............Is very bad for Our ?
skin" and licks her vacant wicked smile again. She moves back around looking into Melina's eyes and takes another needle like straw and jabs it into the other ?
thigh then waits to hear her muffled screams
[18:09] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja looks aside to maki" your new form may take some addapting to, you may rest a bit if you desire to" he looks upon the one ?
on the rack" yet again the mutant one, her self preservation instinct must be considerably absent"
[18:10] TalliaTallia hears Drake's words and turns her face to him and Maki the look of her face, lips eaten away from Melina's acidic blood as she giggles. A pocked tongue slips from gleaming fangs as she giggles making her look wilder than before "Yesssssssssss We have"
[18:12] Drake Subagja: we see you are damaged, does it hinder you not? " he looks at tallia before he gazes at maki, nodding at what he had accomplished, now only the demise of those who caused her's was the only thing unfinished"
[18:13] Maki HoniMaki Honi looking at drake, she nods her head "i better take a little nap, wouldnt hurt i guess "she says, her voice husky and her vision a bit blurry still, she wasnt used to that form yet, she looks over at her sis as she speaks, saying almost cold but meaning it in an encouraging and friendly way "good job....have fun and leave me a bone or two "she walks over to the couches, grumbling "could use some bones to nibble on "then throwing herself onto the soft pillows and falling in a light sleep
[18:13] MelinaMelina would toss with her head, trying to avoid the harness as much as possible but eventually were forced into it, keeping her mouth and teeth closed. Her nostrils flared and she let out a muffled scream from deep down her throat as yet another needle were jabbed into her thigh. She tossed with her head, growling lowly and her yellow eyes stared at Tallia. She heard Drake and turned her head towards him and the demon she saw being turned, her eyes going wide and she struggled in her bonds violently.
[18:15] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja nods to maki" when we need you, we shall call for you, when vengeance offers itself , we shall grant you the first cut"he forms a symbol in mid-air" slumber restfull"
' the vision stops and the gem stops shimmering" Maybe i write more down here, who knows.......
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