donderdag 22 september 2011

Am i not mercifull?

Another day, another run in with a rightious, well run in...i sought one out who i thought could be usefull to me. We made a little talk, had some 'pleasure'  and made a little deal . Hehe. I think she might not like it but she is up to her head into my grasp almost . Poor poor little thing

" a gem is placed on the page, touching it shows a serie of images in your head "

[09:38] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja leans in" hi there" smiling calm"

[09:39] Elspeth DragovarElspeth Dragovar turns around suddenly her eyes going wide taking a step back her body shaking still, "ummm hell...hello there.." she stammers.

[09:40] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja smiles calm, speaking gentle" i wish a little talk with you, lets go somewhere quiet"

[09:43] Elspeth DragovarElspeth Dragovar just kind of blinks at you seemingly to have a bit of trouble processing her thoughs for a bit, before shaking her head, "I...I...don't think that would be a good idea...I'm not quite myself see..I can't be near...around others." her eyes flash downwards suddenly as she stares at the ground as looking at anyone tends to make things worse.

[09:44] Drake Subagja: which makes it all to much safer to be somewhere without people, or am i wrong there? "drake crosses his arms slowly"

[09:46] Elspeth DragovarElspeth Dragovar frowns thinking there should be something wrong in that logic, but unable to figure it out as she is aggitated, "hmmm...what do you have in mind...where is there no one?" she asks her voice shaking a bit as she continues staring at the ground.

[09:48] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja looks over elspeth her head" there is a abandoned room in the building near church, yet its kept clean well, it has none in it most the time " drake passes by elspeth as he nods to the building he meant, yet a voice ringed also in the air"

[09:49] Drake Subagja: ....I CAN EASE YOUR SUFFERING.

[09:51] Elspeth DragovarElspeth Dragovar nods as she stands there moving around restlessly, "yes...I..I" her eyes widen as she looks up suddenly at odd voice, "what...what was that?" she asks in a whisper.

[09:52] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja smiles calm" lets go there then" he started walking to the building" what i sound like when i dont sweeten my voice; why?"humms calm

[09:54] Elspeth DragovarElspeth Dragovar mouth just forms a little o her eyes wide still, "alright...I guess I can go there..."

[09:54] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja humms a melody as he started walking

[09:56] Drake Subagja: *Smiles*

[09:57] Drake Subagja: ...What TOOK You So Long?

[09:58] Elspeth DragovarElspeth Dragovar stands there crossing and uncrossing her legs as she continues to fidget looking around,"I was a bit lost...never really been in here much." looks around everywhere but where you are.

[09:59] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja sits down on the couch" sit, lets talk, "drake pats the couch with his hand"

[10:00] Elspeth DragovarElspeth Dragovar face turns a bit red as she hears what you said, "I..I..I...don't think I can....the couch will touch me.." she stammers quite embarrassed to have to admit such.

[10:01] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja looks at elspeth" you are not gone keep standing, i dislike talking to someone not on same level , so its either the couch, or my lap"

[10:02] Elspeth DragovarElspeth Dragovar eyes fly to you before quickly lower again as she rushes to perch on the edge of the couch trembling, "will...this work.

[10:03] Drake Subagja: it does" drake sits back and gazes at elspeth " if i meant harm you would be harmed already, you seem...skittish"

[10:06] Drake Subagja: ...It's Been A Long Time Since I Smelled Beautiful.

[10:07] Elspeth DragovarElspeth Dragovar becomes even more nervous suddenly as she tries to figure what to say so that she doesn't let on what she did yesterday, "I..I had a bit of a accident you see...this umm substance I have I kind of spilled some on me without realizing it and it has well a lot of lingering effects."

[10:10] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja nods" i know" drake smiles calm" it striked me as odd i had to the urge to feed 6 times instead of 1 time" drake his eyes run over elspeth her hair" i didnt use the candles yet but touched them so i guess they are to blame, your story confirms it only....did i ask for a extra hidden gift when i asked candles?"

[10:11] Elspeth DragovarElspeth Dragovar eyes's shoot up to you her mouth open in astonishment once again as she just shakes her head not sure what to say.

[10:12] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja looks to elspeth " answer me, young one, why did you do that" drake moves a finger over his leg in a scracth motion while his eyes meet those of elspeth"

[10:14] Elspeth DragovarElspeth Dragovar begins to shake so hard she has to ball her hands into fist to get it to go back to slightly, "we uh...I...uh...was just a bit peeved...I didn't think it would really hurt anything....did it?"

[10:16] Drake Subagja: we? "drake repeats the word" oh, hurt? no , it didnt hurt me......those 5 extra people i fed on...might think otherwise about what was the reason for their ...experience"

[10:18] Elspeth DragovarElspeth Dragovar's hands fly to her face causing her to hiss suddenly and drop them quickly back down, " was I to know that would happen...what do you mean feed do the two go together." she chews on her lip shifting around on the sofa uncomfortably.

[10:23] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja looks to elspeth" i am a incubus, i am lust, eat lust, it makes me hungry, so with extra lust comes extra urge to feed on it, "drake his eyes shimmer" who'se idea was it"

[10:25] Elspeth DragovarElspeth Dragovar looks at her clenched hands and takes a deep breath trying to calm just a bit, she closes her eyes before raising her head, "it was mine....It is my was my idea..." she tenses biting her lip waiting.

[10:27] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja looks to elspeth" i feed on emotions aswell, you just lied to me, yet not with bad intent, lie to protect someone? now , i ask again, who had the idea.." he smiles slight and comforting"

[10:28] Elspeth DragovarElspeth Dragovar just shakes her head, " one must be mistaken."

[10:31] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja whispers slight" did you know i can increase the lust in a person a hundred fold? "drake rubs his fingers together" i wonder what happends if i do that right here" he winks slight to elspeth " shall i? or could you have a sudden memory lapse which shows you the right answer ?

[10:33] Elspeth DragovarElspeth Dragovar digs her nails into her hands as she starts to really shake, "I have no memory lapses was all my fault."

[10:37] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja rubs his fingers slower and looks to elspeth" if that is your answer" drake prepares to snap his fingers and increase the lust near him to levels unseen, " you are sure, right?

[10:42] Elspeth DragovarElspeth Dragovar bites her lip as a tear streaks down her face unable to even wipe it away, "you know anyway..." she growls,"why do you keep asking me....I can't tell you...I love would would be." shakes her head as more tears join the first one.

[10:46] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja his eyes shimmer and he snaps his fingers, his whole body crackles with energy as for a half minute the lust around him and in people close be increased a hundred fold, the slightest touch of skin to anything would cause severe climax, the mere touch of clothing on skin would be unbearable, even hairs moving over eachother would send shivers to the furthest regions of the body" again? "

[10:50] Elspeth DragovarElspeth Dragovar's eyes shoot open as she makes a sort of strangled sound shooting to her feet to escape the couches touch only to gasp as her clothng moves against her skin and fall to her knees moaning before just falling over completely writhing on the floor whimpering her body shuddering repeatedly over and over her breathing going frantic as tears roll down her face.

[10:52] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja calmly looks to elspeth" i dont mean harm to the person who had the idea, i just want to know, tell me"

[10:56] Elspeth DragovarElspeth Dragovar just lays there for a bit panting before she attempts to crawl to her knees sagging weakly against the couch for a bit unable to answer, she takes a deep breath before answering her head hanging down in shame, "its Miza...please don't harm her..." she says in but a whisper.

[11:02] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja looks to elspeth" hmm, miza, really? so even when i had her threatend she dared to think up something like that" drake taps his chin" could be a problem" he gazes at elspeth" i have a idea and you will help me with it, the newer rights clearly dont fear me, you will change that, i want you to just go back to church and say i hurt you, make up whatever you want, the worse the better, make them all afraid to be in my way, that way they dont be in my way and i dont have to hurt them for real for messing with my plans"

[11:06] Elspeth DragovarElspeth Dragovar stares at you for a bit thinking, "I will tell them...what choice do I have," she says in a dejected voice, "you know that word will go to others besides the new ones....the ones who will come after you.."

[11:09] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja smiles calm" most of the older ones already know better then to do that, dear girl, they dont come after me, but the new rights dont know me yet , they can be foolish enough to try and obstruct my plans" drake stands up"

[11:12] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja looks to elspeth" but...if you fail and someone does come after me, i will not only match whatever you came up with, i will exceed it, every rightious i will one by one find and do things worse then your imagination can come up with" he smiles calm" except you.... you will just sit on a chair, may or may not be tied up at that moment, and watch every thing i do " drake smiles" am i not nice? i wont hurt you

[11:14] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja leans in to elspeth her face and his eyes shimmer as he speak" ....AM I NOT MERCIFULL.!!!?!..."

[11:15] Elspeth DragovarElspeth Dragovar shudders as she listens to your words, she bites her lip looking downward not really trusting herself to answer you at this point.

[11:18] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja reaches out to elspeth to pat her head" good girl" he turns to walk out the room" have fun making up things"

[11:18] Elspeth DragovarElspeth Dragovar glares at you as she watches you walk from the room.

[11:19] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja stops and smiles" did you want to say something ? " drake looks over his shoulder with a gentle gaze"

[11:20] Elspeth DragovarElspeth Dragovar just shakes her head even though she is still glaring at you.

[11:22] Drake Subagja: thought so" drake turns around again and walks off humming"

" the images stop as you let go of the gem "

Maybe i do want her to fail, even if it would be much work to torture so many.  The work of a shadow is never done i guess.

dinsdag 13 september 2011

Drake meets a old friend

Ah, little morticia, it had been a while since we had spoken. We started with friendly words yet went into showing each-other what new tricks each of us had learned in the time not spend . Blood flowed...hehe.

" a large gem is placed on the page, when touched you see a image appear in your mind"

15:34]  Drake Subagja walks into haven and lets his gaze go over those in it, smiling calm as he makes his way through them"

[15:35]  Morti D'Sparil  (morticia.boucher) smiles a she sees Drake and runs a finger along his arm to his shoulder to try and twirl a string of his white hair around it " Long time no see" she spoke with a sugar sweet voice that always made herself puke

[15:36]  Drake Subagja gazes calm up from the floor, following morti her body from toe's to top of her head" to long, i forgot what deliciousness you held"he licks his lips as his green eyes shimmer"

[15:39]  Morti D'Sparil  (morticia.boucher) chuckles as she played with the string of pure white hair " Always the flatterer still i see" she chuckles as she leaned forward letting her cold breath brush against the warm skin of his neck and took a deep breath to take in his scent " Still Smelling yummy, time hasnt been doing yuo harm i see" she grins as she let her tongue flick along his neck before leaning back and letting go of his hair

[15:41]  Drake Subagja reaches out to morticia in a mirror of her own move, reaching to her hair and sliding his fingers through it if she didnt pull back" oh, some things did change" his eye shimmer soft"

[15:41]  Kashgari D'Sparil (kashgari.zsun) gets up letting out a deep sigh " puppy's and fledgelings , nothing entertaining here " he walks outside to see if there is somethng interesting going on in town

[15:44] Morti D'Sparil Morti D'Sparil  stopped in her movements as he mirror her movements and let a purr emit from her throat as he did reach for her hair " And did they? Now you made me curious" she chuckles softly as she ran a finger up and down his arm sensually that was holding her

[15:49] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja his eyes shimmer, if mortticia had payed attention more she would have noticed three things, one, drake his hair was twice as long as last time they saw eachother, two, drake his eyes were no blue anymore but green snake eyes, and three, the drake she had known was gone and replaced by a previous incarnation of him,drake pulled morticia a bit closer by her hair and leaned in, speaking with calm voice" such a shame it would be to waste a good snack" drake his hand would start to glow and a energy burst would try to drain mortticia her energy into drake "

[15:54] Morti D'Sparil Morti D'Sparil  chuckles as she got pulled closer by her hair..she always got a bitt exited in a specific place if her hair got pulled..she knew drake but something had changed about him...she did notice his hair and eyes but didnt think it was much too worry about till the point her let his hand glow and a enery shot was trying to drain her...she growled as she reached for his wrist and dig her nails into it...she felt the enery drain her biit by bitt and started to drawn the shadows towards her to show him her new tricks letting a black mist emit from her feet " You sure about this? It could end up in a race of endurance" she grins as she got stronger in the time she was away

[16:00] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja gazed at morticia with a smile addorning his lips" hmm, are you sure about wanting to put up a struggle" drake didnt noticed the mist at her feet as his hand glowed brighter, blue marks forming on it which grew black fast, a tendril comming out his shoulder which reached for morticia her neck , softly carressing it at first before it moved sidewards far and attempted to hit her side like a whip, " i love a good race"

[16:07] Morti D'Sparil Morti D'Sparil  would jump at the whipping tenticle if she didnt enjoy the slight abuse but she did wince slightly at the burn it made on her pale flesh " aint a struggle the best?" she chuckles letting the balck mist soldify itself in snakelike tenticles as curl up along her left leg...she leaned a hand down to pet it like it was a pet " Makes the blood so much more tasty" she snickers as the tenicle would now make its way towards Drake waist and let it make its way towards his neck and if it had the chance wrap it around his neck to tighten more like a constuctor with ever breath he takes

[16:16] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja looks at the tenticles which moved over him, the good thing about white was that you noticed anything on it fast, the hand that was glowing slowly broke open, small metal plates covering it from fingertips to shoulder, forming a enormous glove" it be a shame to disturb the mood here, "drake closed his gloved hand and formed a fist, "lets get some more room" he raised his hand and swung his metal fist at morticia her head to knock her out the side-entrance out"

[16:20] Morti D'Sparil Morti D'Sparil  blinks as metal plates started to cover the glowing hand..she never saw him do that before as the fist made contact with her face...she felt her jaw dislocate and all she felt after that was the breath being pushed out of her lunges as she hit the wall at the side entrance and made her tumble out of the door into the street ..breaking her shadow tricks on Drake..she had no way to stop this

[16:21] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja flexed his glove and walked out the door morti flew out " playtime begins"

[16:22] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja looks down to morti who was thrown outside and disspells the glove" so new tricks? show me what you got" drake his tendril retracted as he walked to the street and crosses his arms waiting"

[16:27] Morti D'Sparil Morti D'Sparil  sighs as she located her jaw back in place with a deep growl she winced as the bone snapped back " Fucker, you always treat girls like this?" she hissed but then curled a smile on her lips as she made her way towards Drake " You little fucker, this your way of foreplay?" she sighs deeply taking in a deep breath as she draw in shadows again

[16:32] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja his coat folded open into six wings as his skin grew white and seemed to grow as his body was revealed more muscled then his thin shape could betray" would be disrespecting you if i didnt do my best" drake formed a sign in the air and shadows formed around him"

[16:37] Morti D'Sparil Morti D'Sparil  chuckles as she holded her chin to still move around her jaw into the right position..she blinked at his transformation " Wow, getting more hunky by the second" she chuckles as draw in even more shadow from the street..balck mist would from around Drake's feet whihc were probably invisible under his mist ...she wasnt inpressed that easily so she would twist the shadows into two skeletal hands comming from underneath his feet to take a grab at his ankle to make sure he was kept in least this way she had some security he would reach her as fast

[16:42] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja felt something around his ankles and tried to move his feet , " ah, a binding spell? well thought, but not thought out" drake his tendtril waved out to its max lenght, forming a wing formation before it all went for morticia her form to grab her and squeeze her body like a grapefruit if they got hold" wonder if your 'juice ' is delicious"

[16:46] Morti D'Sparil Morti D'Sparil  chuckles " I dont do spells...just wielding the darkness" she grins but then felt the tenticles wrap around her before she could even react on it they were sqeeuzeing her....she was gasping for air and could even hear a bone or two snap with its least that was what it sounded like....she focuused on her shadow to try and pull Drake's legs from under him in hopes it would get this grip from her to catch a slight breath

[16:49] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja his legs were pulled outwards and he fell to a knee, yet his tendrils were in a more open position now cause of drake his form not being in front of them anymore, he lifted them high and swung them down to the floor to smash morticia into the concrete" hmm, you got better indeed" the tendril would retract and pull drake his feet free

[16:53] Morti D'Sparil Morti D'Sparil  felt the air smashed out of her once again as she hit the concrete with brute force..this making her shadows poof as fast as they appear...she slowly crawled to sit on one knee to catch her breath " Wow your powers upgraded aswell" she curled a smirk on her bloodred lip as her fangs prolude from thier place " I liek your way of foreplay" she nodded as she blew a string of hair from her face whihc now showed a trinkle of blood runing from the corner of it " I like it rough, always did" she was getting tired but tried not to show it

[16:59] Drake Subagja: oh,really? then i guess i shall honor that" drake arched his back, long spikes portruding from it as he grew taller and his shoe's shifted to long talons like a dragon's feet, his demon form, horns forming out of his hair aswell as little wings, then his tail grew out as his wings formed thinner plates which folded open, wings like blades now on his back, he tensed his muscles and trew his form towards her, twirling like a arrow his sharp bladed wings made him a razor sharp projectile" nex ala "

[17:13] Morti D'Sparil Morti D'Sparil  looked up from her kneeled position at yet another new form and sighs " how many do you got goddammit?" at her breathing when she spoke it could be heard she was getting tired slowly if listend to it closely ..she felt his body smash into hers before she could make a dive for a escape...she got pinned down by his figure onto the concrete...she didnt feel any stings of blades protuding her skin but her adreneline was way up there that it wouldnt even had hurt if they did literally touch her ...she look up to Drake's face with her blue brown eyes and titled her head letting out a moan ..she even wasnt sure if that one was from the impact or exictment from being pinned to the floor .....but she did notice the straps of flesh drapping along her body like curtains...more blood was comming from her mouth...she was getting tired but didnt want to give in that easy...she felt to the floor as she was getting weaker but tried to crawl back up again between the peices of her own flesh on the street

[17:20] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja towers over morticia and tries to jab two wings down to the left and right of her head from oppesite directions, to place her neck in a scizor lock, if they had kept her in place drake would lean down, some pressure on the wings making small cuts left and right of her neck" will you give in or shall we check if you need a head to survive? "drake leans down and licks the edge of one of the wings,morticia her blood covering his lips as he licked them, drake seemed to enjoy tasting the blood of his victim, his lips red now of morti her blood"

[17:25] Morti D'Sparil Morti D'Sparil  heard the wings jab its way into the concrete and felt the sting of the cuts they made on her neck...she winced slightly if she could but was unable as she was locked into place....she would shake her head in a way to say no to his beheading idea...she was close to a noctural hibernation from the bloodloss she had at this one ever managed to mutilate her this much to cause herbody to go in shut down...her eyes would slowly open and close as she tried to stay consious..she needed to give in to survive this time btu always knew Drake was more powerfull then her...her breathing getting more shallow with the second slowly causeing her to go in hibernation if Drake didnt respond

[17:29] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja stood up and folded his wings shut, long tendrils ,4 of them, reaching to morticia her body to position her on her knees if they managed to grab her" now kneel and beg , scream for your life to be saved, then you can leave or pass out, me either"

[17:36] Morti D'Sparil Morti D'Sparil  felt her body being placed in a kneeling position but was to weak to even do something against it...she would lift her head up slowy to face his as her eyes turned bright red from anger and her fangs to thier full enghts now which were visible when she growled deeply "Beg?" she shook her head with a weak motion...she was barely able to move but could find some strenght deep within to her consious and hung her head " Fine , finsih me, strike me down.." she spoke with a weak voice as she sat there on her knees and her head hanged down..her raven black hair hanging to the sides of it..the bloodpool getting bigger with the blood she kept losing..she would either die at this moment or fall into a hibernation state....she wouldnt beg to no one..she would rather die

[17:37] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja laughs softly

[17:41] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja laughed and retracted the tendrils, letting her fall out of position" smart child, begging would shown you as weak, i would have pulled you limb from limb, i look forwards to playing with you again "drake started to turn around and left morticia bleeding behind

[17:43] Morti D'Sparil Morti D'Sparil  could pull out the strenght to yell out after Drake " Foreplay and no suck" after that she would fall down on the cold floor in a puddle of her own blood and a matrass of her own flesh...her eyes blinking in and out of consiousness as she just used up her last part of her energy and slowly started to faint away into the darkness of her hibernation

[17:50] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja looked over his shoulder" you dont even deserve a tentacle to rape you, perhaps if you can change a few things, i allow you to feel me on or even in you" drake walked off humming"

" the images stop when you let go of the gem "

 In the end she was saved by a passerby, guess i got lucky cause now i can continue where i left off the next time .

Drake and the row

It started as a normal day in haven, talking a bit to a new demon girl who seemed delicious. Yet when one of my playthings came in all upset i decided to have some fun with her instead " a big gem is placed on the page, when touching it you see images appear in your head"

[15:35] Drake Subagja: Drake Subagja walks into haven and behind the bar, reaching under it for a bottle and lean against the counter backwards" hi avarice"

[15:42] Allysin AvariceAllysin Avarice smiles to Drake slightly nibbling her own lip. "Well hello there Strawberry" her eyes playing over him a moment. "All sugar and spice and blood spills?"

[15:44] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja sipped of the bottle" just drake will do fine, avarice, "drake his green eyes shimmered" no blood spills so far, no spice either and i could do for something sweet right now"

[15:44] Allysin AvariceAllysin Avarice nudges Vixens leg a moment. "She's pretty sweet or so I'm told"

[15:45] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja looks at the one avarice pointed to, snapping his fingers a threesome of candles bursted to flame" told, so you didnt try yourself yet?"

[15:45] νιχєη ƒяσѕтνιχєη ƒяσѕт glances up from tracing blind patterns on the counter top to look from Avarice to the male. A small smile curves on her lips as her eyes gleam with amusement from behind the finge of her hair. "Not very." She murmured with her fangs grazing her bottom lip at she spoke.

[15:47] Allysin AvariceAllysin Avarice shakes her head letting her hair fall across her eyes a moment, "She's in many ways like a sister to me.. that would be twisted, even for me"

[15:47] Drake Subagja: while the personality may not be sweet, the taste could be, "drake smiles calm to avarice" so you would surrender your sister into my claws, how nice a friend you be"

[15:52] νιχєη ƒяσѕтνιχєη ƒяσѕт quirks her brow slightly. "Perhaps that's the way she makes introductions. She never was one to do things the normal way."

[15:52] Allysin AvariceAllysin Avarice sticks her tongue out at Vix, "Now now don't make me send you back to the in-between.."

[15:53] Drake Subagja: she made hers before, now how would yours sound, what do you go by" drake placed the bottle back under the bar"

[15:55] νιχєη ƒяσѕтνιχєη ƒяσѕт's eyes narrow as she glares across at Allysin, her lips pressing firmly together as her demenor changes to being quite serious. "Don't even joke about that." She looks back to the man and smirks slightly. "I was never one to do things the normal way either." She plays lightly with the fringe of her bangs, pausing for a moment. "Vixen." She responded simply.

[15:59] Allysin AvariceAllysin Avarice looks to Drake with a wink "Once she recovers some energy I hope she follows me to the Shadows... but only time will tell.."

[16:00] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja nods calmly to vixen" greetings vixen, so praytell, what is your thought on your 'sister" offering you to me like some plaything" drake gazes calm " my name i already spoke when ava called me by one of my titles"

[16:03] νιχєη ƒяσѕтνιχєη ƒяσѕт closes her eyes, leaving it closed for far too long for it to be a regular blink. When they speak again she looks up propping her chin into her palm with a soft sigh. "My sister says a lot of things that she does not mean. I would trust that in my weakened state she would not put me into such a predicament. However, who is to tell what she is capable of these days."

[16:04] Drake Subagja: i take your of the same kin as her then,"drake gazes calm over vixen her form as far he could see"

[16:06] Allysin AvariceAllysin Avarice stays out of the convo at this point, effectively feeding Vix to the wolves.. err wolf.. well demon.. as the case may be.

[16:07] νιχєη ƒяσѕтνιχєη ƒяσѕт nods slightly "Yes, we are of the same kin- though we are different in most ways that matter. That I am sure you will come to find out eventually." Her eyes take on a flirtatious gleam as a small smile curves on her lips. Her pink tongue slips out from between them to slightly drag across her bottom lip before disappearing back into he rmouth.

[16:08] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja leans closer over the bar" is that a challenge? vixen? his eye which was visible shimmered slightly, "

[16:10] νιχєη ƒяσѕтνιχєη ƒяσѕт leans in to meet him part of the way, her chin never leaving the resting place of her palm as her tongue flicks playfully over the egde of her left fang. "You make take it as you wish." She murmured, with a soft purr rumbling in the back of her throat.

[16:12] Allysin AvariceAllysin Avarice oversteps her bounds a moment as she whispers towards Drake "While I may love sparkles, she finds something else quite interesting..if you catch my meaning"

[16:17] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja smiles calm as he parts his lips slight, his own tongue licking over them, a long twin-tongue which could call up questions what he did with it" does she," drake looked at vixen" your doing not much to save yourself it seems"

[16:19] Allysin AvariceAllysin Avarice smirks to Drake shaking her head. "I don't collect sparkles.. i eat them.. and they turn to dust when I'm done.. just keep that in mind" she added with a giggle before leaving the conversation again

[16:21] νιχєη ƒяσѕтνιχєη ƒяσѕт glances down at his lips, her eyes already gleaming brighter as she follows the path of his tongue. "Perhaps I do not want to be saved mon cher." She turned her gaze to Allysin. "Tsk, oh what kind of sister are you, giving out all our secrets like this. Can I not have fun with him?"

[16:24] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja closed his mouth and his tongue slipped back between his lips after it extended to its full for a moment" hmm, so she might be my kin then?"

[16:26] Allysin AvariceAllysin Avarice makes a zips her lips motion and turns to face the door, stepping out of the conversation at this point

[16:26] Яᵒᶭ Яᵒᶭ  walked into the Haven, her eyes darting around and blood still dripping from her body. A madden giggled left her lips as she moved towards the bar. Bloodied foot steps were left her in wake, moving past everyone only to start to run her bloodied fingers over bottles, looking for the right one.

[16:28] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja sees his fave plaything walk in, seemingly in some amusing state yet he looked back to vixen" so you be one of this realm's cubi then?"

[16:31] νιχєη ƒяσѕтνιχєη ƒяσѕт laughs softly at Allysin's refusal to answer Drake's question. Perhaps there was some mystery fun to be had. But whatever the demon was about to say was cut off by the crisp smell of blood hangning in the air. she turned towards the source, her eyes narrowing slightly as she tail flicks behind her in an agitated manner. she wasn't angry, merely- thrown off by the entrance of the bloodied female. In her weakened state all of her senses were on high alert as they repaired themselves. her eyes snap back to Drake as he spoke to her once again, she pushed the intruding buzzing noise that entered her ears and zeroed in on what he was saying. "Of sorts." She said with a small smile tipping on the side of her lips as her fingers return to tracing that unknown pattern on the bartop

[16:31] Яᵒᶭ Яᵒᶭ  would randomly start to sob, only to drop the bottle within her slick, bloody hands. "Stop it! THe pain! So much pain!" she screamed out and doubled over. Though just as quickly as that outburst came, it was replaced with child like giggles. Her fingers moved down to brush over the broken glass, tearing up her hands while lifting the shards to her mouth. Her tongue ran over the glass, licking off the booze as well as slicing her tongue.

[16:36] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja smiles calm" then you be off the menu, who am i to wipe out the few fun beings there are in the city" drake sprouted a tendril which went for row her hands to wrap around them, spreading them as wide as they could if he got hold of her" seems you crossed the line, row, i warned you what i would then"

[16:38] νιχєη ƒяσѕтνιχєη ƒяσѕт nodded slightly when he said she would be off the menu. but she took great interest with his interaction with the bloodied female. "Ah, so this is what happens to your play things."

[16:39] Яᵒᶭ Яᵒᶭ  giggled a bit and pulled on his tendrils. "They did to me... the pain... so much pain and the darkness. It's just voices now," she laughed, rolling her head back and giggled. "She tried to fix me, poor little kitten.... the body was all she could fix," she giggled, remembing the pain of the knives being ripped from her body. She then screamed out again and started to sob. "Make it stop, oh please... just make it stop! I can't take it!" she screamed and screeched as if she was being gutted alive.

[16:39] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja shakes his head" oh no, not at all, she is just a project i was working on once, a source of info, "drake smiles calm" i do whole other things with those on the menu

[16:41] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja would pull row closer if his tendrils had wrapped around her hands and reel her in like a fish" oh, i can stop much, i told you what happends if you did experience what i guess"

[16:41] νιχєη ƒяσѕтνιχєη ƒяσѕт cringed and could not help but cover her ears as the shrill scream rang out. It felt like someone was drilling into her skull. She couldn't wait until she was properly repaired. For a moment it was like being in the in between all over again. It made her stomach turn> "Can't you shut her up?" Vixen asked Drake, as the female's screams drowned out anything Drake was saying to her.

[16:44] Яᵒᶭ Яᵒᶭ  was pulled in, her feet almost dragging as sobs and tears started to wash some of the blood off her cheeks. Her body just started to tremble, the horrid memories of the torture that was placed upon her, how they drilled into her head, keeping her aware of every little thing. The weeks of utter and constant pain with the bombardment of her mind caused her to go mad. Her screams did stop, drowned out by whimpers and sobs between the insane, girlish giggles.

[16:47] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja leaned closer to row and his lips were addorned with a gentle smile, almost kind in nature, yet his eyes would betray something else if anyone looked into them, a darkness filled with expectattions of pleasure, a void which wanted to devour all it layed its gaze on" oh, seems i have some work to do , was fun meeting you vixen" drake would lift row of the floor and throw her over his shoulder" we should do 'dinner ' once" he nodded slight to her as he turned to walk out of haven with row over his shoulder"

[16:49] Яᵒᶭ Яᵒᶭ  made and "oalf" like grunt as she was put over his shoulder. "No, so much blood... it will stain your lovely suit," she giggled and sniffled, her body completely limp against his shoulders. "I'm bleeding all over you Sir Drake... that is not a good thing,' she whispered, her voice almost eerie and haunting as she giggled once more.

[16:52] νιχєη ƒяσѕтνιχєη ƒяσѕт shook her head and sighed softly when the screams dialed down a bit. Not because she quieted but because her hearing was being repaired more rapidly than before. She nodded to Drake, a small smirk on her lips and her tongue dragged over her fang. "Dinner sounds devine." She said softly, her eyes fell upon the bloodied woman and then back to Drake. "Have fun."

[16:52] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja looked at row and muttered something which sounded like something in between a hiss and a nail over a blackboard, a tendril moving out of drake his hair going towards row to go into her mouth to shut her up a moment" girls should be seen, not heard, row"drake his eyes shimmered" i shall have, i think" drake would start walking out of haven"

[16:59] Яᵒᶭ Яᵒᶭ  gagged slightly and felt her eyes go half lidded. The feeling of being gagged, and the soft bounce of her belly against his shoulder seemed to call forth the voices that were implanted into her mind. They whispered such things to her, making her fear the voice more than she ever did of Drake. The lass suddenly jerked and screamed out, her claws slashing at everything and feet kicking. Her small frame shifted and twisted as she tried to escape. Her sounds were muffled and the voices grew louder within her head, so loud that blood started to drip from her ears.

[17:05] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja walked off the porch as row started to flail around, thrown of ballance a moment his body trembled and everything stood still for a moment, every sound, every movement, everything aslike it was frozen, then a tendril stuck into the floor and put drake in ballance again, row still flailing as drake reached with his hand for her un-covered skin, his touch could drain energy and he would try to drain row to the state of unconciousness before resuming his walk to where he would carry out his once made words"

[17:09] Яᵒᶭ Яᵒᶭ  gasped and felt something almost warm and tingling. Maybe it was a wave of relief as the world went black. Her body went limp, almost an instant rag doll effect. Her mind buzzed with possessed chatter, trying to wake her but as the energy slowly drained, things went... quiet. So cold now, so isolated. She felt as if she was drifting in space, devoid of everything. No light, no sound, no heat, and no air. Just a slow panic of when the end was about to come.

[17:11] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja retracted the tendril from the floor and continued his walk through the dark streets, a unconcious body hanging limp over his shoulder, a tendril in his mouth, a hint of things to come playing in his eyes"

[17:16] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja walked towards his apartement and opened the door with a tendril, walking in he carried row inside and locked the door, then walked into the bedroom and threw row of his shoulder onto the bed,, removing the tendril from her mouth after giving just enough energy back to wake her up"

[17:20] Яᵒᶭ Яᵒᶭ  hit the bed and bounced like a tossed toy. She would groan a bit and shift, her haunting blue eyes slowly fluttering open. She looked all around, the lay out was similar but it wasn't right. There were lamps in stead of candles, not curtain over the window. There were no rose paintings on the wall but one that showed promise of some evil and pervese things. She let out a breath, her chest collapsing a moment before shooting up in a sitting position. She said Drake and her mind finally made the connection. Though before she could so anything the voices started up again. Her hands clapped over her bloodied ears and she flailed on the bed, her back arching and hips rising in agony.

[17:25] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja seemed more annoyed by row messing up his sheets then her state of mind , drake raised two fingers and put them together, a wave of energy rippling through the room towards row, like a heavy weight comming over her, pressing her down on the bed if the wave hit her , drake closed his hand to create a difference in the sort of energy in a attempt to have row spread on the bed, aslike tied up on a cross, arms and legs spread to the sides "

[17:28] Яᵒᶭ Яᵒᶭ  grit her teeth and whimpered out, pain felt like it was wracking her body but it was all in her head and the darkness that had taken hold of it. She was no match for the power of the demon, as much as she tried to resist it, her small frame was pinned and stretched. Her hips and waist tried to wriggle and writhe but their seemed to be no leeway. Her chest heaved rapidly as she panted and made soft pained sounds with each exhaled breath.

[17:38] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja was eager to see what had driven his toy to such extremes yet again he was more annoyed by the mess she made then the agony and pain she was in, he walked closer and looked over her bloody body, he never had the drink he had wanted and row was covered all over in a liquid all to known to him, drake his eyes shimmered as he crawled onto the bed and leaned in, closer to her body, licking his lips as the smell of blood entered his nose, a small lap of his tongue going over row her skin first, slowly he would lick all blood of row her body untiill she was clean,

[17:44] Яᵒᶭ Яᵒᶭ 's panting seemed to come even quicker now. A mix of fear and excitement brewed within her body. Even if she was in great pain and feared the man to no end, there was only so much her body could deny as his tongue moved over her skin. She would try to speak, to plead out, but the thing within her mind kept her busy haunting images of insanity. Her lips parted and her tongue ran over her fangs, nicking the tongue before pulling it back into her mouth with a wince. "Oh gawd!" she would finally cry out but it was hard to tell if it was a cry of pleasure of a plea for help.

[17:54] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja looked up from row her body and in a moment of strangeness he brought out a white handkerchief and cleaned his lips of any left over blood, he smiles calm as he crawls futher and sits down on his knees over her " now, lets see what your been doing to cause such mess in your behavior, "drake reached out to row her head and closed his eyes, for a moment it would feel like row her body was ripped loose from her conciousness, the walls crumbling, the whole building seemingly falling apart and replaced by a enormous building , tall bookcases rising from the floor, row upon row miles long it seemed and several hundreds of meter's high, row would suddenly find herself on a chair at a desk as drake was sitting on the desk, the walls of the building seemed cracked and the books in the bookcases ragged and torn" welcome your mind, row"drake smiled like the cheshire from alice"

[17:59] Яᵒᶭ Яᵒᶭ  let out a muted scream as he moved into her head. For some unknown reason it felt like eons of ripping only to have it happen in a blink of an eye. The kitten now sat there, in a chair, and slowly pulled her legs up to her chest. Her ears pinned back and with large, frightened eyes, Row looked up at Drake. "Help me....." was all she was able to whisper before things started to move about. It was large and dark, leaving claw marks on the floor in it's wake along with bloodied hand prints here and there. It didn't much like the fact that Drake was invading it's new more. "Mine...." came the grabbled and hissed words, only to have others like it start to move amongst the rows of books.

[18:04] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja stepped of the desk, his body seemingly more muscled, his eyes shimmering as he walked around the desk and behind row, dedicated to lure out what spoke, grabbing row from behind around her waist and clacking his tongue against his lips as he did like he sniffed row and dragged his fingers down her waist ,over her belly button on his way to lower places" mine..." drake narrowed his eyes with a grin on his lips"

[18:09] Яᵒᶭ Яᵒᶭ  gasped at the sudden movement and froze as she felt Drake against her skin. As his hand moved lower, she let out a hissing breath of fear. Being touched in such a way from him was not something she'd ever expect. Lips parting, she let out another sound as she inhaled, and squirmed slightly in the awkward moment. The things that moved about, seemed to be just as shocked as Row was. They seemed to Row in unison and thrash about, books and shelves flying every where in the distance as the largest of them all moved closer still. It pointed a claw at Drake, dark congealed blood dripping from it's body. ""

[18:19] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja his smiles didnt faze, he calmly gazed at the being who pointed a claw at him, drake his fingers tapping the skin on which his hand rested, slowly making little scratch motions " by who'se authority, i claimed her before you did, "drake shirt seemed to melt as his chest rippled and was now un-covered, aslike saying he needed nothing covering his flesh, no protection ,even if just a shirt" mine.." his other hand trailing towards her chest as drake had noticed the shock was not row's alone but the being's aswell"

[18:27] Яᵒᶭ Яᵒᶭ  whimpered still, wincing and shifting under his grip. "If she was yours, maybe you should have taken better care to not let her slip so far from home," cackled a voice from behind. The largest creature was just a tall, shadow of being. It seemed almost two dimensional till it moved. It took it's shape but only while moving. It was big, shiny, leaving old blood where ever it stood. "So many claim this kitten, yet till now she's been... uninhabited. Your gift couldn't even save her from them," it griggled and the dark masses started to close in. The walls of the library grew dark and cracked, blood dripping from its seems. "He handles the pain so well, so much she could handle yet her fragile mind couldn't. It was the perfect doorway....."

[18:35] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja looked at the being" i didnt think i had to put my name on her, yet i let her out of my sight for a moment and someone sweeps in to get their hands on them, such arrogance" drake seemed to grin" uninhabited,? so you think putting things in her makes her yours? "drake his hand slides lower to where row her legs would part, a finger dissappearing between them" does she be mine now then? hmm? no, only my finger belongs to me, " drake took his finger back with a whip-like motion of his wrist" you belong to yourself, she belongs not to you"drake his snake -green eyes looked at the shadow" or what will you do?"

[18:41] Яᵒᶭ Яᵒᶭ  let out a soft pant and a gasp as she felt his finger travel lower. Her nethers were smooth, hairless, but carried a slight, slick moister to them from his slow teasing of her flesh. She bit her lower lip and rolled her eyes back, only to shudder at his sudden pulling back. The things girggled and cackled. "Her mind... you can try to mess with her metaphysical body in this place, but we are the ones that will just destroy her and move onto the next. You're threats mean nothing to us White one," they sang in unison as the library started to slowly fall and the books start to sink int a pit of blackness.

[18:52] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja let row slide out of his hands back to the chair and smiles to the being" threats? i only explained things, i didnt threaten you, i dont have to" drake stretched out aslike he woke up and various shadows were whirling around him, as his presence grew larger, a shadow forming around him unlike anything, his complete presence, larger and larger, covering the books with a thick veil before it creeped to the walls, drake his voice older, calmer even,ascended" hear me then, i am la'mashtu'imurgh vecna athanasia ecatharina yemeth ka'kari, the devourer, "drake his shadow tried not to cover everything it now seemed, it tried to lock all in place, drake his mind was from beyond the boundaries of this realm, drake was no earth -demon ,he came from further, one of his tasks in life imprisoning spirits and shadows, the shadows that where whirling around him now more clear showed to be former spirits that he had claimed and bound to himself
[18:52] Brisnof: help us
[18:53] Bunusic: help us
[18:53] Djersil: help us
[18:53] Erosima: help us
[18:53] Merngli: help us
[18:53] Nex Ala: help us
[18:53] Shadow Familiar Nyu: help us
[18:53] Vhailor : help us

[18:58] Яᵒᶭ Яᵒᶭ  shifted and oddly seemed to vibrate in the chair. Row looked around and heard the oddly annoying ring tone. In her mind, she coulding find it but in the physical world, her cell phone vibrated against the leg, hidden within her boot. "Hey, you've reached Row. If you're getting this message it means I'm sleeping or in deep shit. Leave a message after the tone," it hummed into the voice mail. Back in her mind, the kitten was under the table, clinging to her knees and rocking back and forth. "I want out... I want to go home, oh please make this stop...." she whimpered. The beasts that roamed her might roared in outrage and one by one, they lept at Drake.

[19:00] DCS 2.99.34: Rowan Fallen OOC:  (the voice mail)  [18:56]  Judas Alighieri (seifer.laval) sighs, flipping out his phone as he stepped down the street, dialing the numbers to Rowan's cell phone "Hey lass, I need to attend this thing at the church... yeah the church. Anyways, I was wondering if you'd join me.... call me back." That bit of speech was assuming it made it to voicemail, after which he would flip it closed.

[19:07]  la'mashtu'imurgh vecna athanasia ecatharina yemeth ka'kari, the devourer looked at the beasts leaping at him,  he smiled as his shadow crept further outwards and opened his arms" come, i got room for all of you" drake his body started to shimmer and his whole shadow began to shine like a thousand suns and imploded, dragging itself into drake with a sound unheard  before , aslike a sea that was pushed through a drain, ripping anything in it with it in if the beasts were un-prepared, he tried to devour the beasts with his shadow, the books and walls untouched as the shadow had only covered those with a veil, not surrounded "

[19:13] Яᵒᶭ Яᵒᶭ  shivered and hid her face against his knees. The kitten whimpered and pinned her ears back, her tail wrapping around herself as the full weight of his action had Row breathless. The beasts where not prepared and feel to their doom within his shadow. It seemed to last an eternity, dragging the mass amounts of blood beasts in. Though when it was done, the building was left standing as it was when Row first opened her eyes.

[19:20] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja closed his eyes as his true self devoured the beasts, in reality they were all dragged into drake his chest crystal which seemed like a whirlpool to anyone looking into it,, row her beast had still proved quite the adversary, the walls of the library mended themselves and the books started to look more new again, depending on how old the memories were, the illusion fell apart and the walls faded together with the books, drake and row were back in the outside world, drake still on his knees over row in the bed, if row would open her eyes she would see the lash-back of drake his action as he threw his head back and screamed , it is a scream not unlike the ones you hear in the worst of asylums for the insane. across the world restless sleepers are touched by that terrible sound and will awake to find their bedsheets soaked by the sweat from their nightmares. unborn children kick in their mothers wombs, instinctivly aware and afraid. and somewhere else a angel weeps for all the lost children of eden and the
depths of their suffering.

[19:24] Яᵒᶭ Яᵒᶭ  slowly opened her eyes, her crystal like blue hues now sparkled with the energy and sanity that was her own. As she blinked them into focus, she caught Drake still over her. It was just a moment before the scream rocked her world and caused her hands to clap over her fuzzy little ears.

[19:30] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja screamed for what seemed a eternity , higher and higher untill the sound almost ripped apart whatever it would find in its way, be it stone or flesh, then it just stopped, drake looked at row silent and slowly reached out to her skin" better?" he still sat on top of her"

[19:32] Яᵒᶭ Яᵒᶭ  grit her teeth and would try to curl up upon herself if not had been for his body. Her ears felt like they were on the verge of exploding. Though just like that, it was silent. What made her move was the touch upon flesh. Opening her eyes, Row swallowed and licked her lips. Her hands slowly moved from her ears and twitched them. "Y-Yes S-Sir..." she whispered, her voice so delicate and soft, quivering in utter fear. "T-Thank you..."

[19:34] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja leaned down towards row" i would not say that if i were you, every action has a price of equal worth" drake his eyes shimmered as the room grew darker" and you will pay dearly"

[19:36] Яᵒᶭ Яᵒᶭ  pressed herself further into the bed, as much as her small form could. "Oh dear gawd....." she whispered, her eyes bright and large with fright.
( due to being late rp was stopped and continued the next day)

[16:22] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja reaches out to row to place a hand on her chest and push her down" first,why dont you tell me who was to blame for your state of mind, im very curious who would cause such mayhem "drake his fingers grew longer nails, slightly curved like claws"

[16:24] Яᵒᶭ : "I...I don't remember. I never saw their faces, they just forced themselves into my head so I would see nothing but darkness or through their eyes as they tortured me," she whimpered, parallelized and breathing rapidly.

[16:27] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja his eyes narrowed" you didnt even see them capture you? "drake closed his hand around row her upper clothing as he lifted his middle finger slight and brought it down in a sweeping motion, trying to cut row her top in half, as much as she was wearing still which seemed very little already"

[16:29] Яᵒᶭ Яᵒᶭ  gasped as the material was cut and flipped over her pale skin. Row turned her head away, squeezing her eyes shut as the soft peaks and pink flesh of her breasts came into view. "I cannot remember.... it's all totally blank. The last thing I remember was walking out of my shower and then nothing."

[16:35] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja his lips break into a grin " oh, then i can try to jolt your memory, i just recreate the situation" drake stands up from the bed and grabs row her arms and legs with tendrils, dragging her to the bathroom, he opens the shower cabine and drags row into it, swithing it on, ice-cold water raining down on her skin"

[16:38] Яᵒᶭ Яᵒᶭ  gasped as she was dragged off and before she could protest, the water beat down and felt like icy needles upon her flesh. The lass let out a yelp and wrapped her arms around herself if allowed and started to shiver. "I don't remember! It's like that memory was erase," she whimpered, her boots, skirt, and arm bands now soaked in the icy water.

[16:43] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja gazed calm over row" then i just try to make the memory more reall, cant say it doesnt work when we dont try, can we" drake reaches out with the tendrils which try to slither in,under,between her boots,skirt, arm bands, any piece of clothing she still worn and try to remove it from her frail and frightend form so the tormenting water would pour down on her bare skin"

[16:45] Яᵒᶭ : "No no no... please no..." she begged and pleaded, squirming and trying to push the tendrils away. It was fruitless, her clothing was gone and now her pale skin started to turn red from the sting of the icy waters. Her teeth chattered rapidly and her skin reacted, growing hard around the nipples and goose flesh along the rest of her.

[16:49] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja threw the clothes aside to the heater so they would dry, wet clothes got smelly if kept wet to long" any jolt of memory so far? hmm?" drake reached with a tendril to the hot water faucet to turn it on, from ice cold to blazing hot water in one go"

[16:51] Яᵒᶭ Яᵒᶭ  cried out and tried to claw up the side of the shower, her claws scrapping against the glass, tile and water in her futile attempts. She moved around in the shower like a trapped animal fighting for survival. "No please! It's nothing it's just.... dead space!" she whimpered and cried out, seeking any corner that might keep the water off her body.

[16:58] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja shook his head" so i guess you really dont remember, pity, might have softend my price if i knew who did it, could use a person with such mind" drake turned the water off and dragged row out the shower back to the bed, throwing her on it, " i guess your mind blocks out the memory, i could easily just invade your mind again and just search for the memory but the removal of the things in you left me a bit drained, which is bad news for you"

[17:01] Яᵒᶭ Яᵒᶭ  relaxed a bit as the water was turned off, her skin now a bright red, and humming in pain. Once more she hit the bed and bounced across it. Her wet form glistening in it's burning pain. There was nothing she could say, there was no point in saying anything. Row knew she was in trouble.

[17:07] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja stretches and his clothes melted into his skin as the crystal on his chest seemed to flow out white liquid over drake his skin which covered him completely, his shirt folding open revealing itself to be wings actually, six of them, from out of drake his hair came two other small wings which folded open as horns portruded out his head, his shoe's shifted to large dragon feet as he grew even taller, drake had shifted to his demon form," when i lack energy my human guise fails, "drake grins as his voice sounded so gentle and sweet yet darkness lingered in it

[17:10] Яᵒᶭ Яᵒᶭ  shivered, remember seeing that form before. Row bit her lower lip and tried to crawl backwards and off the bed. She shook her head, the wet hair flinging about her face. His gentle voice just made this all the more scary and the kitten was now trembling.

[17:14] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja walked to row, yet his form made no sound what so ever when he did, a form as big as his should make sound yet his did not, which made it even more strange, perhaps row would also realise something she might not have thought of before , before you eat , you clean it first, as drake licked his lips slowly while comming closer

[17:17] Яᵒᶭ Яᵒᶭ  whimpered and hit the ledge of the bed, flipping backwards off of it. She skittered backwards, her back hitting the wall as she looked for some means of escape. A window, anything. She was in sheer panic now and just shook her head as tears rolled down her cheeks. "Please no...." she whispered and looked away, only to squeeze her eyes shut.

( row had to leave due to real life visitors comming over, rp continued the next day)

[15:50] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja looked at row scitter away yet not finding a way out, drake walked to her and stretched a hand out to her cheek, dragging his hand over it slowly" afraid? "drake leaned in and layed his forehead againsts her's" tell me your fears" his voice is calm as a summer cloud and sweet as honey , his intoxicating words lingering in the air"

[15:54] Яᵒᶭ Яᵒᶭ  whimpered a bit at his touch and moved to open her eyes to find his right before hers. The touch of foreheads should have felt so nice, so comfortable and almost intimate but it was Drake. "You... " she whispered. "I fear what you're going to do to me. You said you don't break your toys, or... so it seemed, have sex with them so I can only imagine such horrors you're going to inflict upon me as payment," whimpered the feline. Her hands were pressed to the wall and her naked chest was heaving as the fear had the damp kitten panting hard.

[15:56] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja smiles gentle, a smile like a kid would have before it goes play with a new toy he been given, he reaches out to row and lifts her up in his arms aslike she was a bride, carrying her to the bed" fear is a strong force, fear can paralyse , yet you seem to run still"

[15:59] Яᵒᶭ : "S-Survival instincts...." she whimpered as her feet left the floor. As she saw the bed come back into view, her eyes went wide. Her thoughts now ran to the possibility of sex. Her throat went dry and the pit of her stomach suddenly felt like ice. "No!" she screamed out and tried to flail out of his arms.

[16:04] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja just opened his arms so she would fall unto the bed and stepped back ,evading a flailing arm rather close, he looks at row and snaps his fingers, the air shimmered slight around his hand before it waved away,, row would not feel fear after drake his fingersnap, not fear,,not anger, not happyness or anything ,drake had blocked her feelings like flipping a switch" be still ,row, "drake spoke calm ,flexing his fingers slight while he gazed at row her naked form"

[16:06] Яᵒᶭ Яᵒᶭ  gasped as she hit the bed. Her eyes went half lidded and her body relaxed. Blinking slowly, the lass turned her crystal blue hues towards the demon. After a few more breathes, the kitten was completely calm and moved an arm over her breasts and a hand to cover her front. She was such a modest kitten by nature, even a blocking of emotions couldn't stop that.

[16:10] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja nodded calm" better, now, i took a risk when i helped you, it drained me, so i will charge you for that, be at as it may that you are still young and perhaps un-experienced, i helped you, now you will do something in return" drake looked down at row while he walked closer to the bed again" nod if you understand"

[16:12] Яᵒᶭ Яᵒᶭ  blinked slowly at his words and nodded her head. She sat up a bit, her legs crossed to make sure she was still slightly covered and as one arm stayed over her breasts, the other one was behind her, supporting her weight

[16:15] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja climbed on the bed" while fear is delicious on itself, it is not what i feed on, im sure you know by now what i am" drake reached out to row with both arms to her arms and pulled them open to both make her uncovered and falling back by lack of support"

[16:17] Яᵒᶭ Яᵒᶭ  made a sound as she felt gravity tug at her body. Letting out a breath as she hit the bed, the lass blinked a bit and nodded. "Incubus....?" she whispered, her voice soft and lacking all emotion. She looked up at him, her eyes flicking back and forth slightly as she gazed into his eyes. "I didn't think you would have sex with your toys, but I guess this is the exception?"

[16:21] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja his eyes shimmer" you thought wrong, you go out from the idea i will kill you if i do, which is correct if it wanted to kill you, but honestly i could kill with a mere kiss then due to the age i gathered "drake looked over row her form and a tendril slithered from drake his shoulder to row her breasts, cupping it slow but tender, wrapping around it and squeezing slight" your state of mind demanded i used a ammount of power i had in reserve, so i need to....recharge, so to speak"

[16:27] Яᵒᶭ Яᵒᶭ  nodded a bit as she listened to him speak. Though as she felt the odd sensation of the tendril along her skin, she parted her lips and gasped. Row inhaled sharply and licked her lips, the feeling was so odd, so foreign, yet her breasts responded to the touch and squeeze as her nipples started to get hard.

[16:33] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja just smiled and another tendril reached for the side of her waist, moving up and down slow like a gentle carress, a third tendril lifting her lower body up a bit while a fourth waved back and forth under her hitting her buttcheeks one by one like some sort of spanking" good that you understand, even though i took away your chance to say anything fueled by emotions"

[16:36] Яᵒᶭ Яᵒᶭ  gasped slightly and rolled her eyes back just a bit. She bit her lower lip and thumped her tail against the bed. Ears flicking back, the feline made a few sounds as his tendrils manipulated and teased her flesh. As it continued, the lass started to react to it. Her skin pinking up a bit and a slow build of moisture between her smooth, soft, hairless nethers.

[16:40] Drake Subagja: you show promise, yet i do wonder when being so shy as you are why you would shave down stairs, thats more something for people who want to show it off" drake spoke calm while he places a kiss on her lower belly, the fourth tendril spanking a bit harder, drake breathed out and warm air flowed over row her stomach"

[16:43] Яᵒᶭ : "My late husband enjoyed it smooth, it's been habit even after five years of being parted from him," she murmured softly. Her slightly textured, pink tongue slowly ran over her lips and fangs as she felt the kiss. Her blue eyes rolled back and her hips twisted slightly. A breathy, quivering moan left her lips, and she gasped at the harder spank of the tendril. She shivered, her skin rising a bit and toes curling. The warm air over her skin just seemed to do something to her that got things down below rather tight.

[16:49] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja his first tendril slithered around the second breast aswell, now it looked aslike a eight figure was laying on row her chest with her breasts through the holes, the tendrils squeezing slow and steady, the second tendril flattening rubbing her sides a bit slower, the fourth tendrils like a pendulum rythmicly hitting left ,right,left, right, drake his eyes shimmer and he leaned forwards, blowing soft over row her underbelly, his breath flowing warmly over it

[16:52] Яᵒᶭ Яᵒᶭ  arched her back and parted her lips as a soft cry left her lips. Her hands balled into fists around the material of the blanket. Her breasts would bounce slightly as her breathing increased and each exhaled breath carried a soft, pleasurable sound. Toes curling and heels pressing into the bed, Row arched her back higher then lowered herself. It was like a wave, a ripple through her body from hips to bust as she flexed her muscles.

[17:00] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja clacked his tongue and let go of one of row her arms, a fifth tendril holding the arm now, " hmm, good enough for a start" drake flexed his fingers and stood up from the bed, standing next to it while the tendrils continued their tasks, drake reached out to row her nether regions with his hand and slide his fingers in, then lifted row up complete with only that hand, as his eyes shimmered"

[17:05] Яᵒᶭ Яᵒᶭ  gasped and cried out, but not of pleasure, but of pain. Her inner walls were so tight from the lack of any play, that the press into her sex, forcing past the ring and to her textured walls felt almost virginal to her. As she was lifted, the lass cried out and felt cold sweats started to form on her skin from the pain.

[17:10] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja his fingers were brought together to a tip yet he swayed a bit with his hand side to side, meanwhile the tendrils were still squeezing her breasts, rubbing her sides, spanking her ass, " not used to it i guess" drake his thumb slowly made little circles out of row her body,rubbing just above the entrance the fingers were in, circling row her clit firm yet soft"

[17:14] Яᵒᶭ : "No..." she cried out and writhed as her body was still lifted. Between the tightness and the gravity pressing upon her body as he toy with her ,she whimpered in dull pain. The added stimuli against her lil pink pleasure nub would soon help with the pain. Granted pain usually nulled her pleasure, but her clit was always so sensitive. Row whimpered and rolled her eyes back, her inner sex walls were pulsing around his fingers, squeezing and resisting the stretch..

[17:19] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja lifted row higher and softly blew on her small clit, his warm breath tormenting it between circling motions of his thumb, drake held row on eye-height to look her in the eyes as he was feeding on her struggle between pain and pleasure, drake didnt feed on sex itself, he liked to feed on torment most of all, any form of it, drake watched row her eyes to notice how far she was to one side of the ballance and spread his fingers wide open suddenly while his thumb kept circling"

[17:22] Яᵒᶭ Яᵒᶭ  let a scream rip from her lip and would writhe and try to move away from him if possible. In that one single motion, her inner walls ripped, the muscles tearing. Her sex was slick now, not with her sweet juices but with blood. Tears trickled down her cheek as her head shook back and forth, such cries leaving her small mouth.

[17:32] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja looked at his hand, stained with the blood of the young, hardly the first time he drawn blood in such spot yet not to his liking at the moment, drake twisted his hand slight to the left while closing his fingers again, energy streaming from his fingers would close the wounds that been opened just , drake wished to delay that pain for now, the energy itself felt like a trembling wave invading row her lower body, a stream of unfiltered luscious energy straight from a elder demon, making row her whole body more sensetive by a factor to high to calculate for the time of the wounds healing, pure unbrideled lust had found a way out , into her body, the tendrils still squeezing, and spanking, drake his thumb flicking her clit soft

[17:38] Яᵒᶭ Яᵒᶭ  had her sounds choked off by the sudden rush of energy. The sudden change had just caught her off guard. The small feline's body jerked and twitched, writhing as the mix of emotions seemed to slowly move into one direction. She gasped and rolled her wet, tear stained eyes back. The sudden gush and rush of lust sent her into a feeling of being in heat. She growled and moaned out, purring wantingly as her hands balled into fists and toes curled. "Oh gawd!" cried the lass, her skin growing warm and chest heaving with her rapid breathing. The stimulation all over her body wasn't enough to bring her but was damn near close.

[17:43] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja gazed over row her frail little form, more tendrils sprouted and held row aloft by her arms and legs while drake only held her up with one hand i, his fingers inside making little scrath motions over the inside of her walls, drake brought his hand up to raise row higher and brought his thumb lower to push row her clit up, leaning it he kissed it soft before taking it between his lips slight and sucking it with small pulls"

[17:48] Яᵒᶭ Яᵒᶭ 's muscles flexed and bunched, her sounds grew a bit louder and rushed. Eyes rolling back, the lasses hips twitched with the added pressure to her female organs. The feeling of the warmth around her nub and the slight pulled made the lass throw her head back. She screamed and twitched out, her inner walls now starting to pulse and squeeze about him as a slow orgasm was starting to build.

[17:55] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja his fingers moved slower over the inner walls,drake closed his eyes as he was feeding on row her energy, his lips sucking slowly on her clit, his mouth glistening from the local moisture, drake his tendril spanked a bit harder and then slithered to a place lower, slowly rubbing the piece of skin between row her heavens-gate and asshole with its tendril tip, the tendril that was squeezing row her breasts split its tip in two ,then in four and pinched row her nipples slight with two tendril tips each, , drake his tongue tapping row her clit each time he sucked it a bit in

[17:59] Яᵒᶭ Яᵒᶭ  breathed harder and faster now. Her body was twitching and her muscles flexing, sliding under her skin like a feral cat. Her skin now took a soft sheen from sweat, and her skin would pinken in her cheeks. Lips parting, she threw her head back and let a succession of screams leave her lips. Her lower sex pulsed and convulsed, squeezing upon his fingers as small gush of her juices flowed from her body.

[18:03] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja had held row quite high at the moment she gushed slight, liquids dripping down his arm, over his chest making it glisten in the little light the room had, drake increased the speed of his movements , moving his fingers and tendrils faster up and down , in and out, up and around, faster and faster, as his eyes were shut still, feeding on her burst she just let loose yet she might have more if he just pushed her a bit further

[18:06] Яᵒᶭ Яᵒᶭ  cried out, gasping for air between the sounds. It seemed the fast movement had caused her orgasm to continue and ride out a bit longer. Though as it slowly came to an end, the lass was left whimpering and writhing. Her body hummed with energy and she panted hard. Eyes half lidded and tail limp, she licked her lips slowly.

[18:13] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja his eyes slowly opened , his face now covered in juices not his he looked at row, his tongue slithering out his mouth as he took his hand out, drake his tongue was a long twin-headed things, it slithered inside row her heaven-gate and kept going further, untill it was deep in her womb, drake grins as his tongue moved around dragging over the entire inner walls of row her womb over and over, her arms and legs still held by the tentacles drake seemed to laugh soft........and then he gave her back her emotions...

[18:19] Яᵒᶭ Яᵒᶭ  squirmed and made a few odd mewling sounds as the long tongue wiggled and writhed around her tight textured walls. Though as her emotions came back, it was like getting slammed by a brick wall. The fear was so thick, it almost dripped from her pours. She started to cry out and try to escape the tendrils. "No please stop!" she whimpered and started to breath fast, near hyperventilating

[18:24] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja his grins grew wider, his mouth open slight as his tongue was still ' rampaging ' inside , drake held her arms and legs spread wide as rows would see her juices she gushes drip into drake his mouth still, his face glistening with what she had put on it, his voice echo'ing in her head" so, how do you feel now"

[18:26] Яᵒᶭ : "Horrified! Ashamed!" she screamed out and twisted her hips with any leeway given. Her body trembled and skin grew cold even as the tongue ravaged her textued inner walls. Tears now glistened along her cheeks and the feline would cry out in mental torment.

[18:33] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja fed on on row her torment like a sponge, his eyes glowing with pure sadism now as he enjoyed every moment, he retracted the tendrils from her breasts, her lower body and ass, then he loosened the tendrils on her arms and legs and swung row side to side with just his tongue which was deeply in her, ,before with a fast determined pull he took his tongue out in one go, letting row fall back on the bed, a wide grin on his face as he started laughing" such a good payment, "drake his lips glistened with row her juices still

[18:33] Drake Subagja: Heheheh...!
[18:33] Drake Subagja: HAHaHahaha
[18:33] Drake Subagja: HahahahHAHAH!
[18:33] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja laughs softly
[18:33] Drake Subagja: HAHAHAHAHAHaHaHAHAHAHahahahahaha

[18:35] Яᵒᶭ Яᵒᶭ  screamed out and cried in sheer horror. As she hit the bed, Row rolled off and would make a weak, and wobbly leg dash for the door. At the moment, it was fight or flight and she knew that there wasn't a chance in hell she would beat him in a fight.

[18:38] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja his eyes shimmered as he licked the juices of himself, a sickening sight where drake his tongue licked over his chest, lips, face, like some enormous worm" you want to run? naked? "drake grins as he walks to her" bare and dripping all over the floor you want to run to the streets?"

[18:40] Яᵒᶭ : "If it means getting away from you! Yes!" she cried out, still making her way towards the door. Her heart felt like it was on the verge of exploding and things were starting to look very bright. The lass was on her way to passing out. She just couldn't take it, not like this. With all that had happened to her, she just couldn't take any more mental trauma.

[18:44] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja grinned soft and reached out to row her head,"oh, i have something far more subtle in mind" drake his energy would puss row against a near by wall as he reached for her head, small tendrils slipping out and trying to plunge into row her head like needles"

[18:48] Яᵒᶭ Яᵒᶭ  made an oalf like sound as her back was pressed to the wall. She shook her head, growling and crying out. "No no no, please no more! I beg of you, I cannot handle this!" she cried out as the world started to look like it was surrounded in cotton. Her sound became muffled and the lass was teetering in on the edge of fainting. Due to this, she was not able to resist his assault of needle like tendrils.

[18:56] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja grinned as the needles tentacles pushed into her head, drake sends small specific energy pulses through each of them, row would forget what just happend, she would just find herself in the state she was in now in the room yet remember nothing, with a sick twist to it, drake grinned as he explainned before row would forget what he just said aswell" you wont remember what happend just, not now atleast, each day now between 4: 55 pm and 5:05 pm you will remember everything, your body will remember and get back to the state you are now, aroused and afraid, dripping all over the floor, and then when it that time passes, ( 5: 06) you wll forget again untill the next day at that time, every day on and on" drake pulled the needles back while the e
nergy would lock the memory away for the moment"

[19:01] Яᵒᶭ Яᵒᶭ  went laxed and blinked her blue eyes at the demon. It seemed while his tendrils where in her, her eyes would fuz over and go unfocused. Once over, she would blinked and look around in a daze and mild confusion.

[19:02] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja just smilled and with a tendril took row her clothes of the floor, all dry by now and he held them out to row" i think you have to put these on, you 'lost' them suddenly"

[19:11] Яᵒᶭ Яᵒᶭ  looked down at her naked and wet self. Her eyes were large and she covered herself. Whimpering, Row took them and put them on quickly. "T-Thank you...." she whispered and swallowed hard, her head turning to look at the door as if asking for permission to leave. She wasn't sure what happened, how she got there or why Drake was well... demonic looking, but she knew it wasn't good.

[19:16] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja snapped his fingers and the door opened" oh, no, thank you" drake his eyes shimmered with a malevolence unseen before" bye row, have nice memories"

[19:16] Яᵒᶭ Яᵒᶭ  whimpered softly, her clothing sticking to her wet skin as she slid along the wall and ran full burst at the door and out of it.

[19:19] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja grinned as she ran out, delighted in the idea what she would go through from now on", hehe; such a fun memories indeed" he walked to the pit humming"

" the images stop as you let go of the gem "

 Poor row, cursed to relive it all each day.  I wonder how long before she finds a way to take revenge .

donderdag 16 juni 2011

Minds alike

Seems i found someone who likes to spill blood as much as i do. How fun to meet such being when just visiting a filthy bar " a gem is placed on the page, upon touch it shows a vision"

[15:37] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja takes a seat and looks over the bar from under his hood"calm night..."
[15:39] Verbal MintVerbal Mint watches the creature finding a calm reassurance in its presence, the desire to smash it like he he has with the cities other pathetic inhabitants doesn't wash over him which in itself is refreshing,,, " indeed, calm before the storm,,, the storm being the rush of wolves onto the strets,.. which is generally followed by them telling us how mean they are which is then followed by the city elders carpetting the streets with their hides.."
[15:42] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja has a grin addorning his small lips" they are so full of themselves thinking of their power under the moon, yet in the end we feast in their blood, bathing in it like royalty
[15:45] Verbal MintVerbal Mint folds his arms in a relaxed pose " what misfortune brought one of your standing to such a pitiful hovel legion..and how long might the city be blessed with your plague.."
[15:48] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja looks up slowly, green snake eyes gazing for a moment" one could ask the same to you, what brings one of your skill to a place so small and meaningless...nothing here of importance to the likes of greater powers" the crystal embedded in drake his chest pulsings still like a small vortex in it consuming all it looks"
[15:51] Verbal Mint: " here im a god a paladin against mice but thats not what holds me here,.. the outer world is a place where my kind are hunted to extinction,.. were strong and many of the feeble creatures fal at out feet like ninepines to the ball but when they hunt in their hundres, in their thousands,.. we are powerless... but here, theres is no persecution by race, only by strength and power,.. in this realm sir, i am the king of the jungle.."
[15:55] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja nods as a slight hiss escapes his lips" you for freedom...a smaller hunting ground yet one unfettered by modern times, this city still feels fear for those you"
[15:59] Verbal MintVerbal Mint holds out his arms and slowly turns..360 degrees,, " this bar was as full as any before i entered,, but it would all were need of an early night... " he grins..." i have that effect most places i frequent, many look upon me as tho they know me, a vision of their nightmares of horrors tucked away for centuries and not brought to the fore until a look to my eyes awakens a fear and a terror in them driven by instinct...." he raises his hand long boney fingers curling as 1 points to the demon..." just wait till the poor saps get a load of you.."
[16:06] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja looks up as his eyes narrow and with a slight gaze out the window he speaks with a older voice, hate fettering it like a open wound" their weakness sickens me, how they crawl around, scum of the earth, they may beat us in numbers but not in worth" he gazes to mark" may their blood flow like rivers and their bones rattle fleshless in the darkest of nights when our gaze falls on them" his voice calms down a bit as he reaches in a hole in the air getting out two glasses, keeping one in his hand and holding one out to mark" let us bloodspilling"
[16:06] Goblet of BloodGoblet of Blood : Drink deeply of this life-force, Drake Subagja!
[16:06] Goblet of BloodGoblet of Blood : Mmm..
Goblet of Blood : Mmm..
[16:07] Goblet of BloodGoblet of Blood : Mmm..
[16:08] Goblet of BloodGoblet of Blood : How delicous, Drake Subagja!
[16:08] Verbal MintVerbal Mint takes the goblet and holds it out to towards the terrible manifestion.. " to the blood sir,," he says with a clink,and then he drinks heartily,.. trickles escaping to run down his cheeks soaking his neck...
[16:09] Goblet of BloodGoblet of Blood : Drink deeply of this life-force, Marky Moonwall!
[16:09] Goblet of BloodGoblet of Blood : Mmm..
[16:09] Goblet of BloodGoblet of Blood : Mmm..
[16:10] Goblet of BloodGoblet of Blood : Mmm..
[16:11] Goblet of BloodGoblet of Blood : How delicous, Marky Moonwall!
[16:12] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja drinks of his glass himself,blood flowing down his mouthcorners before he licks his lips ,a slight hiss accompanying it" to blood"
[16:14] Verbal MintVerbal Mint lowers the glass, he looks particularly unpleasent , his fangs and lower face coated with the rich irony blood " now that sir, is a hearty beverage.." he holds out the glass impressed with its quality and nods approvingly as it returns from whence it came..." magnificent..." he wipes his lips with the back of his hand, his eyes closing as the fortified blood crashes around his systemlike white water over rocks and he roars his pleasure at the stranger...
[16:14] MarkyMarky lets out a bellowing growl that starts deep within his chest, he bares his extended fangs stil glistening with the blood of his last donor.
[16:19] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja his snake -like eyes shimmer as a smile crosses his lips" when wandering the planes doing what we do, once in a while you come across something worth the trip"he hold his glass hard as he remembers the hunt, the thrill of it and the spilling of lives they never deserved to live"
[16:19] Drake Subagja: ^^YESSS^^
[16:23] Verbal MintVerbal Mint nods and agrees , he can still recall the many hunts for blood across the centuries,, none now seemto have the same worth as those that were prized in days of old, Joan d'arc, Napoleon who cowered and squealed in a hole in the ground, Marie Antoinette so proud and statuesque as they ravished her,, his eyes sparkle, animated by vivid memories from a time when immortality seemed a blessing and not thecurse it is today... " oh yes " he says almost in a whisper..
[16:28] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja hisses slight"yet as we wander, we wander alone in the end, our company in the hunt shares not always our method of aging, many came and go, bloodspilling till the day they pass but pass they did" drake think back of the hunts, the endless plains where they couldnt hide, the fear as they ran and kept looking over their shoulder neverending while fear seeped in their hearts untill they became whimpering heaps of misery, to tired to still run , given up and counting the moment till they would be found and die,"
[16:33] Verbal Mint: " pickings are rich here,..I'm yet to meet one who wont submit to my wants, not always voluntarily admittedly but a razors edge cn be as persuasive as a mother toi her childe, " he chuckles and misses the deliciously satisfying pairing of mother and child the rich blend of childs fear and mothers adrenaline making a heady concoction.." the city is far fromperfect,.. but it will suffice "
[16:38] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja nods as a grin forms again" untill all come to pass, bones brittle as glass ,under our feet they crack, the mighty naught but a snack" grins wide as teeth much larger then they should appear behind his lips, going again as he closes his mouth"
[16:42] Verbal MintVerbal Mint smiles at his prose and continues in the same vein.. " we laughingly call them lunch. as in our jaws they crunch..the flesh so tender and sweet, i prefer the tits to the feet.." he chuckles.. then sighs a little... " i must be going..its been a pleasure, im sure we'll meet again.."
[16:43] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja nods" may your victims scream loudly....nightwalker
[16:44] Verbal Mint nods as he turns to leave.. " may deaths silence be deafening legion.."
[16:44] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja laughs softly
[16:44] ŻΩΣŶŻΩΣŶ takes the bottle from Rai but places it on the bar, having a very big urge to touch the purple wings "so purty" but decides she would like to keep her hands attached to her body
[16:45] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja nods to himself slight" may it indeed..." his snake eyes narrowing in relentless thoughts of future slaughter"
[16:48] ŻΩΣŶŻΩΣŶ leaves the bottle of beer on the bar and slides smoothly off the bar, her eyes lingered on the purple wings for a moment before deciding to go for a wander, giving the two new arrivals into the bar the once over before stepping out into the street
[16:49] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja his gaze follows zoey a moment as she was in his line of sight ,a slight throat noise rumbling as he diverted his gaze again
[16:55] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja stands up silent, wandering out haven to stretch his wings

" the gem stops shimmering and the vision would stop " Now find even more of those and all will die....


Some people just deserve to be judged for their crimes, so why wait " a gem is placed on the page, upon touch it shows a vision"

[15:16] ȥҽʅԃαȥҽʅԃα jumps'you scared me who are you?'
[15:17] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja slowly looks over zelda her form "..ballet ...?"
[15:17] ȥҽʅԃαȥҽʅԃα perks a brow and examine the black creature'yes ballet dancer..who are you?'
[15:19] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja looks to zelda with big green snake eyes, his purple wings scratching like fingers at the air" not a only gets me...hungry"
[15:19] ȥҽʅԃαȥҽʅԃα chuckles' see you are not answering my question..hungry i aint food mr dark'
[15:22] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja his chest crystal seems to have a small vortex in which starts to move faster" ...many names been given, few i kept ..just yemeth will do" drake licks his lips" also you are mistaken on your last remark" big tendrils reach for zelda to grab her by winding around her"
[15:23] ȥҽʅԃαȥҽʅԃα shrugs as she sees the tentacules grabbing her she draw her sword to cut some of them
[15:24] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja wraps the tentacles tighter to keep zelda her hands to her if they didnt get cut "
[15:26] ȥҽʅԃαȥҽʅԃα drops her sword on the floor under the pressure of the tentacules'ok thats not funny what do you want?'
[15:27] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja steps back to get zelda of her ballance and down on the sand, trying to drag her off" commited crimes and shall be judged"drake steps back more to try and drag zelda off
[15:28] ȥҽʅԃαȥҽʅԃα manages to reach for her sword as she gets slowly dragged and attacks it (ready)
[15:30] DCS 2.99.33: zelda Ashton was defeated by
[15:31] ȥҽʅԃαȥҽʅԃα falls on the ground unconscious
[15:33] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja manages to win while getting some wounds himself, his wings clipped a bit and he picks zelda up from the floor putting her over his shoulder as he walks off with her
[15:36] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja puts zelda on the floor and spreads his tentacles over her wrists and ankles to try and keep her down while he slaps her face to wake her" awaken, accused one"
[15:37] ȥҽʅԃαȥҽʅԃα wakes up by the slap'! what do you want where am i?'
[15:39] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja looks down to zelda" you are on the floor i would say, what i want is justice" drake looks down to zelda" you are accused of withholding your name and lieing about it when asked, how do you plead?"
[15:40] ȥҽʅԃαȥҽʅԃα chuckles ' i know i am on the floor dark man..i have never seen you before so how can i have lied to didnt even ask me my name want it i ll give it to you'
[15:42] Drake Subagja: we have not been lied to, we judge you in name of others," leans in to slap zelda across the face with open hand" disrespecting the court, another crime"
[15:44] ȥҽʅԃαȥҽʅԃα gasps as she is slapped across the face a little bit of blood dripping on her cheek' the court what the fuck are you on about.. a court where is my lawyer then? my name is Z happy now?'
[15:46] Drake Subagja: you are denied a lawyer .." drake looks down to zelda" what do you plead on first accusation"
[15:47] ȥҽʅԃαȥҽʅԃα sighs 'well thats not fair trial then sir black..well i guess i am gonna be honest or who knows.... yes i pleads guitly i lied about my name when i was a whisper..i had to do my duty dont you understand?'
[15:49] Robin FarrowRobin Farrow perked a brow at the pair and crossed his arms, disdained that his favorite spot was taken
[15:50] ȥҽʅԃαȥҽʅԃα perks a brow 'robin... what careful..i am prisonner.... '
[15:50] Robin FarrowRobin Farrow glared at the hooded man and strode forward, kneeling to examine zelda "Hey... hey are you alright?"
[15:52] ȥҽʅԃαȥҽʅԃα with blood dripping from her cheeks' i Robin please escape when you can'
[15:52] Robin FarrowRobin Farrow shook his head and stared at the man with grand conviction "I suggest you release her."
[15:53] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja crosses his arms" the court shall remember you pleaded guilty to your first accusation"he looks up to the man who appeared"the court decides to go on at a different location" placing two fingers on the crystal on his chest while the tentacles that held zelda down wrapped around her wrists and ankles as a portal opened under drake and zelda, dragging them in it"
[15:54] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja steps out the portal and drags zelda behind him as fast he can"
[15:59] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja walks up to the top of the tower while dragging zelda behind him, most likely hitting every step of the stairs with her head" the court will resume the accussations"
[16:00] ȥҽʅԃαȥҽʅԃα wakes up when she reaches the top of the glass tower' what..was that you used powers? i told you my name and said i lied what else now just release me'
[16:02] Drake Subagja: many crimes you have commited, the court accuses you of slaying those who only followed their instincts, what do you plead"
[16:05] ȥҽʅԃαȥҽʅԃα sighs ' i am a Righteous... been one for 5 years what do you expect..i am a religious person..i follow the bible and i refuse to let the evils control Toxia..i do my duty' the tone of her voice increases on the word "duty". you are the one guilty here taken me hostage what do YOU plead dark man?'
[16:10] Drake Subagja: the court shall remember you pleaded guilty again" drake his gaze falls on zelda as she speaks up, reaching out to her neck to grab it while tentacles held her up" you will speak only when spoken to " he wraps the tentacles tighter at zelda her wrists and ankles, a slight sound of cracking might be heard" duty..."he slaps her full in the face again" you would trample upon a beautifull flower aslike it was nothing but a lowly worm, how can you speak of duty, "
[16:14] ȥҽʅԃαȥҽʅԃα gasps and lack a bit of air as she is dragged in the air by the tentacule..she thinks now that she is in trouble and attemps to release her wrists...if she could she would send a message with her phone ..but she can't pressure on the wrist is too strong..she stared at the dark figure in silence to see if she can concentrate and use her power to see how it is..suddenly an image appears in her mind a white man ...she thinks it could be the white man called Drake she remains silent starring at him hoping he ll release her for some air
[16:18] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja his chest crystals moves still on the inside, seemingly merged into drake his chest"your sillence shall be remembered" drake reaches out to zelda who was held up, a hand reaching out to her top, to grab it and tear it off if he got hold of it"
[16:22] ȥҽʅԃαȥҽʅԃα chuckles as her top is torn apart but she still can't speak, she is debating now trying to kick whatever she can she will not let him do anything easily..she tries to concentrate to produce some fire in her hands that would eventually make it drop her'
[16:27] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja started to rip the top in long wraps to bind zelda her hands together and make a blindfold for her eyes as fire started to form and burn the wraps of the top" a mistake on your side, Z"drake took off his own robe and revealled his body, flaming marks riddling his form and his hair burned like a oil fueled inferno" my clothes are fire proof" making wraps of it to bind zelda her hands tight to her neck while blindfolding her" on a fire being, tsk"
[16:32] ȥҽʅԃαȥҽʅԃα shrugs at the vision of the burnt body of the creature her eyes covered she cant see but she decides to create an aura this time that would be as cold as a glacial wind'
[16:42] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja reaches out to zelda her hair to cut a piece off and put it away as he feels the air growing colder" the court decided on your shall be...broken" drake wraps zelda with the tentacles upside down to himself as his whole body covers in flames to hold the cold off,floating to the window he jumps out while placing his feet at Z her armpits, he jumps out the window down, intending to add his weight to make zelda go on collision with the floor...head first"
[16:46] ȥҽʅԃαȥҽʅԃα feels her body dragged from the tower in the open air....she feels wind as she is going down and instantly creates a barrier shield that made her fall soflty on the ground, she lays on the ground that creature landed on her she protects herself with the shield so the creature is pushed away'
[16:49] Robin FarrowRobin Farrow points at drake as his sights were confirmed "Stop! foul demon!"
[16:50] ȥҽʅԃαȥҽʅԃα cant see but hear the voice' that you?'
[16:50] Nivea VuckovicNivea Vuckovic followed Robin grumbling something about not beeing a damn dog
[16:50] Robin FarrowRobin Farrow glances at zelda and says nothing, his brows still furrowed and his gaze still set on drake
[16:51] ȥҽʅԃαȥҽʅԃα blushes has she knows her top is torn apart hoping she is not in front of haven
[16:51] Sandra JarvisSandra Jarvis ran around the block after Robin left only to find him here once more with her brother Drake, she comes to a halt behind Drake, frowning but keeping quiet
[16:51] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja gets pushed back and gazes at Z who seemed unharmed," the court find you guilty on escaping the punishment" drake raises his hand as his body grew even hotter, a single spark shimmer in the air as drake sets the air aflame itself, his own body dispersing in the air as fire and Z her body in the inferno
[16:53] Nivea VuckovicNivea Vuckovic shook her head in disbelief not sure if she is seeing right 'Wait what he fuck..' and jumps back seeing all the fire action 'Ok what the hell we need a fucking hose people!!'
[16:54] ȥҽʅԃαȥҽʅԃα feels the fire reaching her she immediately release a protection aura around her but she is struggling to keep it on
[16:54] Nivea VuckovicNivea Vuckovic goes to push Robin into the fire scene yelling 'Help her!!'
[16:55] Robin FarrowRobin Farrow shook his head to disregard his disbelief and rolled through, grabbing zelda by the scruff if he could and drag her out
[16:56] Sandra JarvisSandra Jarvis jumps back quickly, fire wasn't exactly her best friend, shaking her head as she tries to understand what just happened here, her eyes on Z who seems to be on fire
[16:57] Robin FarrowRobin Farrow sets zelda down beside niv and places a hand on her shoulder to place some protection and healing on her before brandishing his weapons and scanning for drake
[16:58] ȥҽʅԃαȥҽʅԃα " i can't see ..please who is there?'
[16:58] ȥҽʅԃαȥҽʅԃα "take those blinds for my hands and eyes' she shivers
[16:58] Drake SubagjaDrake Subagja his body in firey partikles flew on a soft breeze through the city appearing again at the pit,thinking that while it didnt go as planned, it would be a good warning for sure

" the gem stops shimmering and the vision stops" One by one i will judge them...who else should do it otherwise.